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Updated on 11-Jul-2023 09:02:29
Sorting a string means we have to arrange a given string either in an ascending or descending order or any given order. In this problem given a string 'str' of size n. Our aim is to sort the given string without altering means without changing the position of vowels present in the string. Let's see examples with explanations below to understand the problem in a better way. Sample Examples Input 1 str = “abdecokfee” Output 1 abcedofkee Explanation Constant present in the string = bdckf Sort the constant string = bcdfk Merge the given string with the sorted instant string ... Read More 
Updated on 11-Jul-2023 09:00:04
Binary string means the string contains only two types of char either 1 or 0. It is known as base 2. In this problem, we have given a binary string str and also the size of the string 'n'. Our task is to find the maximum number of zeros places consecutively at the start and end of any rotation of a binary string. Let's see examples with explanations below to understand the problem in a better way. Sample Example Input 1 str = “101001, n = 6 Output 1 2 Explanation The string can be rotated in any of the ... Read More 
Updated on 11-Jul-2023 08:56:40
Rotation means we have to shift each character forward or backward direction. In the case of forward, the last character is forwarded to the index 0 also known as right rotation. In the case of backward first character at index 0 is backward to the last index also known as left rotation. In this problem, we have given a string of characters and integer d. Our task is to print the left rotated string or right rotated string by d integer. Only the permutation of the current string changes, not the length or frequency of the characters in the ... Read More 
Updated on 11-Jul-2023 08:55:14
Rotation means we have to shift each character either in a forward direction or backward direction. Forward direction means right rotation (Or anticlockwise) and backward direction means left rotation (Or clockwise). In this problem, we have given a string of characters of size n and integer d. Here d is less than n. Our task is to print the left rotated string or right rotated string by d integer. Only the permutation of the current string changes, not the length or frequency of the characters in the given string. Input 1 str = “apple”, d = 2 Output 1 Left ... Read More 
Updated on 10-Jul-2023 19:48:49
AT&T offers two types of internet services: DSL (digital subscriber line) and U-Verse. DSL is an older technology that uses existing telephone lines to provide internet connectivity, whereas U-Verse is a newer technology that delivers internet, TV, and phone services through fibre optic cables. Read this article to find out more about DSL and U-Verse and how they are different from each other. What is DSL? DSL is an abbreviation for Digital Subscriber Line, a technology that delivers high-speed internet access over existing telephone lines. DSL technology divides the available frequencies on a telephone line into separate channels, one for ... Read More 
Updated on 10-Jul-2023 19:42:31
CVS (Concurrent Version System) and SVN (Subversion) are both version control systems that are commonly used in software development projects to manage source code and other files. SVN is widely considered a more modern and advanced version control system than CVS. SVN supports branching and merging, atomic commits, and is more suitable for larger repositories. Read this article to find out more about CVS and SVN and how they are different from each other. What is CVS? CVS (Concurrent Versions System) is a centralized version control system that was widely used in the software development industry prior to the introduction ... Read More 
Updated on 10-Jul-2023 19:37:31
CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) and RMI (Remote Method Invocation) are middleware technologies used in Java to support distributed computing. CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) is a middleware technology that allows distributed objects in a networked environment to communicate with one another. RMI (Remote Method Invocation) is a middleware technology that allows Java objects to invoke methods on remote JVM (Java Virtual Machine) objects. Read this article to find out more about CORBA and RMI and how they are different from each other. What is CORBA? CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) is a middleware technology that allows ... Read More 
Updated on 10-Jul-2023 19:32:26
Tuners used in electrical devices to tune in to radio or television broadcasts are classified as analog or digital. A continuous waveform with varying amplitude and frequency is received and processed by an analog tuner. A digital tuner receives and processes a digital signal, which is a discrete signal consisting of 0s and 1s. Read this article to find out more about Analog Tuner and Digital Tuner and how they are different from each other. What are Analog Tuners? An analog tuner is a device that receives and tunes radio or television signals. It works by selecting a frequency from ... Read More 
Updated on 10-Jul-2023 19:31:33
Exploring the whereabouts of the International Space Station (ISS) and witnessing its real−time movements can be an exhilarating experience. The following article aims to showcase how Python can be utilized to track the ISS, utilizing the ISS API provided by Open Notify and visualizing its location on an interactive world map with the aid of the `folium` library. Installing the Required Libraries Before we embark on our ISS tracking journey, it is necessary to install a couple of libraries: `requests`, which facilitates API calls, and `folium`, which empowers the creation of captivating interactive maps. pip install requests ... Read More 
Updated on 10-Jul-2023 19:28:16
In the realm of building APIs using the renowned Django Rest Framework (DRF), one must skillfully navigate the challenges posed by managing the rate at which clients can unleash their torrent of requests upon your API endpoints. Throttling mechanisms come to the rescue by effectively safeguarding against potential abuse, protecting precious resources, and fostering an environment of equitable usage among clients. In this in−depth discourse, we shall embark upon an enlightening journey, exploring the multifaceted realm of implementing throttling techniques within your DRF−powered API. Brace yourself for a captivating exploration of the built−in throttling classes at your disposal, as well ... Read More Advertisements