Bootstrap - Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Bootstrap Framework. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Q 2 - Which of the following class styles a table with a light gray background to rows while the cursor hovers over them?

A - .table

B - .table-striped

C - .table-bordered

D - .table-hover

Answer : D


By adding the .table-hover class, a light gray background will be added to rows while the cursor hovers over them.

Q 3 - Which of the following bootstrap style of button deemphasize a button by making it look like a link while maintaining button behavior?

A - .btn-warning

B - .btn-danger

C - .btn-link

D - .btn-info

Answer : C


.btn-link − Deemphasize a button by making it look like a link while maintaining button behavior.

Q 4 - Which of the following bootstrap style of button creates block level buttons that span the full width of a parent?

A - .btn-lg

B - .btn-sm

C - .btn-xs

D - .btn-block

Answer : D


.btn-block − This creates block level buttons that span the full width of a parent.

Q 5 - Which of the following bootstrap styles are used to create a tabbed navigation?

A - .nav, .nav-tabs

B - .nav, .nav-pills

C - .nav, .nav-pills, .nav-stacked

D - .nav, .nav-tabs, .nav-justified

Answer : A


To create a tabbed navigation .menu: Start with a basic unordered list with the base class of .nav and add class .nav-tabs.

Q 6 - Which of the following bootstrap style is used to add standard links to .navbar?

A - .navbar-link

B - .link

C - .form-link

D - None of the above.

Answer : A


If you want to use the standard links that are not within the regular .navbar navigation component, then use the class .navbar-link to add proper colors for the default and inverse .navbar options.

Q 7 - Which of the following bootstrap styles can be used to create a Stacked progress bar?

A - .progress-stacked

B - .progress

C - .progress-stack.

D - None of the above.

Answer : B


You can even stack multiple progress bars. Place the multiple progress bars into the same .progress to stack them.

Answer : C


data-placement − Specifies how to position the tooltip (i.e., top|bottom|left|right|auto).

Answer : A


data-animation − Applies a CSS fade transition to the popover.
