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Found 156 Articles for Chemistry

Updated on 02-Jun-2023 11:48:03
The terms "cis" and "trans" are used in various fields of science and social studies to describe different aspects of objects, molecules, and people. In chemistry, these terms are used to describe the orientation of atoms or groups of atoms in a molecule, while in social studies, they are used to describe the gender identity of individuals. In this essay, we will discuss the difference between cis and trans in both chemistry and social studies. What is Cis? The prefix “cis” is derived from Latin. It means “on the same side”. In the cis isomer, the substituent groups are placed ... Read More 
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 15:34:41
Introduction In this tutorial let’s learn about the Crystal field theory. Before moving into the definition of Crystal field theory lets have an overall understanding of certain terminologies which will help us in better understanding of this concept. Degenerate Energy Levels If the same energy level is obtained by more than one quantum mechanical state, then the energy levels are said to be degenerate. Transition Metals Transition metals have an empty d orbital. The d orbital split into two energy sublevels, the electron moving between these gives them their properties. Few examples of transaction metals are Copper, Iron, Manganese, etc. ... Read More 
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 11:45:48
Introduction A variety of factors are used to evaluate covalent bonding. Bond length, bond strength, bond polarity, and bond multiplicity are only a few of them. Let's have a look at what these characteristics signify and how they affect us. Let's start with the bond length. Bond Length The equilibrium distance between the nuclei of two bound atoms in a molecule is defined as bond length. The bond length is determined by each atom in the bonded pair. Each atom of the bonded pair participates in the bond length of a covalent bond. The contribution of each atom is referred ... Read More 
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 09:44:23
Introduction Experiments on properties of acids and bases are one of the most vital topics in chemistry. It is discussed that the sour chemicals usually turns blue litmus into red are called acids. In a similar fashion, bases that are bitter tasting convert red litmus into blue. And acids and bases on reaction with one another give salt and water. This indicates neutralizing i.e, both the base and acid neutralize into the pH of water. These facts will only remain assumptions if not tested and experimented with. Therefore, this article will consist of Experiments on Properties of Acids and ... Read More 
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 09:33:32
Introduction Examples of bases with its properties are as follows − Bases have pH value more than 7. Aqueous solution of basic compounds undergoes ionization and can conduct electricity. On reacting base with acids can produce salts. The concentrated base or strong base is known as Caustic. If base added to alkaline solution it has bitter taste. Base get identify easily due to the presence of OH- ions. On applying red litmus paper to basic solution it changes the colour into blue. On adding to acids compounds base can react vigorously. On adding base to water it can conduct ... Read More 
Updated on 25-Apr-2023 18:26:43
Introduction $\mathrm{Fe_3O_4}$ (Iron oxide) is one of the easily synthesized compounds occurring in nature are iron oxides. The iron oxides are better known as magnetic oxides have been in use by humans for ages now. A very common example of magnetic oxides being used are the nanoparticles of iron oxide (IONPS). For around 50 years, they have been used for diagnosis conducted in vitro as a contrast agent. Iron oxides have the formula as $\mathrm{Fe_3O_4}$. They are also simply seen as rust. What is Iron Oxide? Laboratory-easy synthesized compounds, also commonly found in nature are Iron oxides. The ... Read More 
Updated on 25-Apr-2023 18:16:56
Introduction Fenton’s reaction was first discovered by H.J.H Fenton when he first observed the oxidative properties in various metals which could further improve the usage of already discarded, unstable, and poisonous hydrogen peroxide. This discovery in the chemical field not only explored the benefits of hydrogen peroxide but also attracted attention to the strong catalytic power of some metals which could generate highly reactive hydroxyl radicals. Presently iron-catalyzed hydrogen peroxide reactions are called Fenton's reactions and they have many applications in various chemical industries. Fenton’s Reagent Before discussing the mechanism of Fenton's reaction it is important to discuss the commonly ... Read More 
Updated on 25-Apr-2023 18:04:33
Introduction Evaporation causes cooling which is based on evaporation of a liquid from any surface leaving a cooling effect. The degree of cooling effect are left by the evaporating liquid can vary based on the liquid. It is exemplified by evaporating alcohol or water that leaves a cooling effect on the surface. The variation in degree of cooling is also very clear between alcohol and water. Where, alcohol has a higher degree of evaporation of cooling effect than water. This variation depends on the nature of molecules of the liquid. What is Evaporation? A very common definition for evaporation ... Read More 
Updated on 25-Apr-2023 17:57:05
Introduction Factors affecting solubility are mentioned below as follows − Solutes: The substance which is added to the solvent to dissolve into it. Solvents: The liquid part or major volume part which absorbs the solute particles when added to it. Insoluble: If some stones or sand are added into water and tried to mix it, these solute particles are not dissolved into water hence, the solute (stone or sand) is insoluble in solvent water. Soluble: If a tablespoon of honey or sugar is added into water and tried to mix it, it completely dissolve into water and hence, the ... Read More 
Updated on 25-Apr-2023 17:49:42
Introduction Examples of gases are as follows: oxygen, hydrogen, helium etc. It is not a new phenomenon that gases are one of four states of matter. Gases are made up of molecules that are further made up of individual atoms. Those atoms may be the same or different thereby forming elements and compounds respectively. The properties associated with the gases lie between the liquid and plasma states. All the physical characteristics of gases and the compositions are based on their intermolecular forces and intermolecular spaces between the constituents. Gases have very wide spaces between them due to the dominance ... Read More Advertisements