- CICS Tutorial
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- CICS - Overview
- CICS - Environment
- CICS - Basic Terms
- CICS - Nucleus
- CICS - Transactions
- CICS - COBOL Basics
- CICS - Interface Block
- CICS - Pseudo Programming
- CICS - Aid Keys
- CICS - File Handling
- CICS - Error Handling
- CICS - Control Operations
- CICS - Temporary Storage
- CICS - Intercommunication
- CICS - Status Codes
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CICS Mock Test
This section presents you various set of Mock Tests related to CICS Framework. You can download these sample mock tests at your local machine and solve offline at your convenience. Every mock test is supplied with a mock test key to let you verify the final score and grade yourself.

CICS Mock Test I
Q 1 - What does CICS stands for?
A - Customer Information Control System
B - Customer Interaction Control System
Answer : A
CICS stands for Customer Information Control System.
Q 2 - Which one of these is not an online system?
Answer : D
Payroll system are example of batch programs. They are executed every month in batches.
Q 3 - In which system user interaction is not possible?
Answer : B
In batch system, user interaction is not possible. All the inputs are given before starting the batch execution.
Q 4 - What does OLTP stands for?
A - Online Transaction Processing
B - Online Terminal Processing
Answer : A
CICS is a transaction processing system which is also called as Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) Software.
Q 5 - Which component in CICS maintains control functions to manage the allocation or de-allocation of resources with in the system ?
Answer : A
System services are responsible for managing allocation and de-allocation of resources.
Q 6 - Which component in CICS interfaces with telecommunication access methods such as BTAM, VTAM and TCAM for handling data communication requests from application programs?
Answer : B
Data Communication Services interfaces with telecommunication access methods such as BTAM, VTAM and TCAM for handling data communication requests from application programs.
Q 7 - Which component in CICS interfaces with data access methods such as BDAM, VSAM?
Answer : C
Data Handling Services interfaces with data access methods such as BDAM, VSAM, etc. Data Handling Services interfaces with database access methods such as IMS/DB, DB2, etc. and facilitate servicing of database requests from application programs.
Q 8 - Which component in CICS provide features such as command level translation, CEDF (the debug facility) and CECI (the command interpreter facility)?
Answer : D
Application Programming Services interfaces with application programs. The application programming services of CICS provide features such as command level translation, CEDF (the debug facility) and CECI (the command interpreter facility).
Q 9 - Which component in CICS monitors various events within CICS address space?
Answer : D
Monitoring Services monitors various events within CICS address space. It provides series of statistical information that can be used for system tuning.
Q 10 - What does BMS stands for?
Answer : A
BMS stands for Basic Mapping Support which handles the burden of dealing with terminal hardware issues.
Q 11 - What does MRO stands for?
Answer : A
CICS provides Multi Region Operation (MRO) through which more than one CICS region in the same system can communicate.
Answer : C
CICS provides Inter System Communication (ISC) through which a CICS region in a system can communicate with CICS region on another system.
Q 13 - How many characters can be displayed on a CICS CRT monitor?
Answer : C
A CRT monitor is capable of displaying 1920 characters (24 Rows and 80 Columns).
Q 14 - Which keys are known as function keys and allows transfer of data from terminal to CICS?
Answer : A
PF keys are known as function keys. PF keys allows transfer of data from terminal to CICS. PF Keys are ENTER and PF1 to PF24.
Q 15 - Which keys are known as Program Access keys and does not allow transfer of data between terminal and CICS?
Answer : B
PA keys are known as Program Access keys. PA keys does not allow transfer of data between terminal and CICS. PA Keys are PA1 to PA3 and CLEAR.
Q 16 - Alphabets, numeric, punctuation comes under which type of category?
Answer : C
All other keys for alphabets, numeric, punctuation etc. are Non-Aid keys. When the user types text, numbers etc. using non-aid keys CICS will not even know if the user is typing anything or not.
Q 17 - What is the length of transaction identifier in CICS?
Answer : A
Transaction identifier which is 1 to 4 character long is used to do the identify the transaction which user want to do.
Q 18 - Which CICS program is used to receive messages from terminal?
Answer : A
TCP is known as Terminal Control Program. TCP is used to receive messages from terminal. TCP maintains hardware communication requirements.
Q 19 - Which CICS program is used to simultaneously control the execution of tasks and its related properties?
Answer : B
KCP is known as Task Control Program. KCP is used to simultaneously control the execution of tasks and its related properties. KCP handles all issues related to multi-tasking.
Q 20 - Which CICS program is used to locate and load programs for execution?
Answer : C
PCP is known as Program Control Program. PCP is used to locate and load programs for execution. PCP transfers the control between programs and in the end it returns control to CICS.
Q 21 - Which CICS program is used to provide application programs with services like read, insert, update or delete records in a file?
Answer : D
FCP is known as File Control Program. FCP is used to provide application programs with services like read, insert, update or delete records in a file. FCP manages exclusive control over the records in order to maintain data integrity during record updates.
Q 22 - Which CICS program is used to control allocation and de-allocation of storage within CICS region?
Answer : D
SCP is known as Storage Control Program. SCP is used to control allocation and de-allocation of storage within CICS region.
Q 23 - In which table entry is made when we login to CICS terminal?
Answer : A
TCT is known as Terminal Control Table. When we login to CICS terminal an entry is made in the TCT table. TCT contains the terminal ID's that are connected to current CICS region.
Q 24 - Which table contains the Transaction IDs (TRANSID) and the corresponding program names or program IDs?
Answer : B
PCT is known as Program Control Table. PCT contains the Transaction IDs (TRANSID) and the corresponding program names or program IDs. TRANSID is unique in PCT table.
Q 25 - Which table contains Program name or Mapset name, Task Use Counter, Language, Size, Main storage address, Load library address?
Answer : C
PPT is known as Processing Program Table. PPT contains Program name or Mapset name, Task Use Counter, Language, Size, Main storage address, Load library address, etc. Program or Mapset name is unique in PPT table.
Answer Sheet
Question Number | Answer Key |
1 | A |
2 | D |
3 | B |
4 | A |
5 | A |
6 | B |
7 | C |
8 | D |
9 | D |
10 | A |
11 | A |
12 | C |
13 | C |
14 | A |
15 | B |
16 | C |
17 | A |
18 | A |
19 | B |
20 | C |
21 | D |
22 | D |
23 | A |
24 | B |
25 | C |