- Computer Fundamentals
- Computer - Home
- Computer - Overview
- Computer - Applications
- Computer - Generations
- Computer - Types
- Computer - Components
- Computer - CPU
- Computer - Input Devices
- Computer - Output Devices
- Computer - Memory
- Computer - RAM
- Computer - Read Only Memory
- Computer - Motherboard
- Computer - Memory Units
- Computer - Ports
- Computer - Hardware
- Computer - Software
- Computer - Number System
- Computer - Number Conversion
- Computer - Data and Information
- Computer - Networking
- Computer - Operating System
- Computer - Internet and Intranet
- Computer - How to Buy?
- Computer - Available Courses
- Computer Useful Resources
- Computer - Quick Guide
- Computer - Useful Resources
- Selected Reading
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes
- Developer's Best Practices
- Questions and Answers
- Effective Resume Writing
- HR Interview Questions
- Computer Glossary
- Who is Who
Computer - Available Courses
Nowadays, various types of courses are provided by educational institutions. Following are some of the common as well as important courses.
Course | Name | Duration (years) | Minimum Qualification |
B.C.A | Bachelor of Computer Applications | 3 | 10+2 |
P.G.D.C.A | Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Applications | 1 | Graduation |
M.C.A | Master of Computer Applications | 3 | Graduation |
B.Sc.(CS) | Bachelor of Science (Computer Science) | 3 | 10+2 |
M.Sc.(CS) | Master of Science (Computer Science) | 2 | Graduation |
B.Tech.(CSE) | Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science and Engineering) | 4 | 10+2 |
B.Tech.(IT) | Bachelor of Technology (Information Technology) | 4 | 10+2 |
M.Tech.(CSE) | Master of Technology (Computer Science and Engineering) | 2 | B.Tech / B.E. |
M.Tech.(IT) | Master of Technology (Information Technology) | 2 | B.Tech / B.E |
B.E.(CSE) | Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Science and Engineering) | 4 | 10+2 |
B.E.(IT) | Bachelor of Engineering (Information Technology) | 4 | 10+2 |
Diploma Courses
Apart from regular degree courses, computer centers also provide short-term courses (from 3 months to 1 year). Online courses on topics such as Computer Basics, Programming Languages Training, Hardware Training, and Network Certifications are also gaining in popularity.