Found 6 Articles for Control Systems

Difference Between CVS and SVN

Md. Sajid
Updated on 10-Jul-2023 19:42:31
CVS (Concurrent Version System) and SVN (Subversion) are both version control systems that are commonly used in software development projects to manage source code and other files. SVN is widely considered a more modern and advanced version control system than CVS. SVN supports branching and merging, atomic commits, and is more suitable for larger repositories. Read this article to find out more about CVS and SVN and how they are different from each other. What is CVS? CVS (Concurrent Versions System) is a centralized version control system that was widely used in the software development industry prior to the introduction ... Read More

Difference Between DCS and SCADA

Md. Sajid
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 15:00:09
A DCS and SCADA are used for industrial automation to control and monitor processes; they are designed for different applications. SCADA is used for monitoring and basic control of geographically scattered operations, whereas DCS is used for exact control of complicated processes. Read this article to find out more about DCS and SCADA and how they are different from each other. What is DCS? The term DCS refers to a type of control system used in industrial processes to control and monitor numerous process variables. A DCS is a sophisticated system that controls and optimises a plant or ... Read More

Difference between Feedback and Feed Forward Control Systems

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 25-Apr-2023 10:56:11
A system of components that is used to provide the desired response by controlling different parameters in the process is referred to as a control system. In a control system, the final output or response of the system is controlled by varying the input, and hence it named so. Based on the control mechanism used, the control systems can be classified into the two types namely, feedback control system and feed forward control system. The fundamental difference between the feedback control system and feed forward control system is that in the case of feedback control system, the corrective action is ... Read More

Advantages and Disadvantages of TDMA

Updated on 14-Apr-2023 17:41:19
Access Control is a set of rules that controls the access of stations to the transmission link. Broadcast links require access control, this is because the link is shared among several stations in broadcast channels. There are many access control methods among those TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access) is the simple one which states that some fixed time slot is allocated for all the stations in a Round Robin manner. And each station transfers its data in its time slot if available. Otherwise, that time slot is wasted. In this article, we will be explaining the advantages and disadvantages of ... Read More

Disk Controller in OS

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 04-Apr-2023 15:43:44
In the world of computing, the Disk Controller is a fundamental component that is crucial for managing data transfer between a computer's hard drive and its memory. It acts as an interface between the storage device and the Operating System (OS), enabling efficient communication and management of data. Due to its importance in the efficient operation of an OS, it's essential to understand how Disk Controllers work, their architecture, and the various types and functions available. Definition of Disk Controller A Disk Controller is a hardware component that manages the flow of data between a computer's storage device (e.g., a ... Read More

Differences Between a PLC and an RTU

Md. Sajid
Updated on 17-Jan-2023 11:48:23
You may have heard of Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) and Remote Terminal Units (RTUs), but what do these devices actually do? And more importantly, which one do you need for your business? PLCs are used to control machines by reading input signals and executing pre-determined programs in order to achieve a specific output. RTUs, on the other hand, are used to collect data from machines and send it back to a central location for analysis. Depending on your needs and level of complexity, there is an automation device that can provide you with complete control over your operations while keeping ... Read More