- Developer's Best Practices
- Introduction
- What is Practice?
- Code Reading & Reading
- Documentation is the Key
- Follow the Standards
- Write to be Reviewed
- Testing is the Religion
- Keep the Assets Safely
- Handy Tools & Techniques
- Eager to Learn
- Towards Managements
- Stress Management
- Managing Managers
- Career Planning
- Summary
- Useful Resources
- Resources
- Selected Reading
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes
- Developer's Best Practices
- Questions and Answers
- Effective Resume Writing
- HR Interview Questions
- Computer Glossary
- Who is Who
Discuss Developer's Best Practices
This small tutorial is based on my past 16+ years of experience in software development industry. I have gone through different stages in my career starting from trainee software developer till senior management.
I do not want to keep my learnings to myself, so I had written a small tutorial few years ago, and after getting lot of motivation from my dear readers, I thought of revising it and adding few more learnings which may benefit many other software engineers and developers working in this lovely industry.
I'm not going to dictate any of the points, but all the practices listed here contributed a lot in my software development career, so if you think they make some sense for you then try to adopt few. If you have any +/- comments, kindly feel free to write me back : Contact Us