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Hadoop Mock Test
This section presents you various set of Mock Tests related to Hadoop Framework. You can download these sample mock tests at your local machine and solve offline at your convenience. Every mock test is supplied with a mock test key to let you verify the final score and grade yourself.

Hadoop Mock Test I
Q 1 - The concept using multiple machines to process data stored in distributed system is not new.
The High-performance computing (HPC) uses many computing machines to process large volume of data stored in a storage area network (SAN). As compared to HPC, Hadoop
A - Can process a larger volume of data.
B - Can run on a larger number of machines than HPC cluster.
C - Can process data faster under the same network bandwidth as compared to HPC.
Answer : C
Q 2 - Hadoop differs from volunteer computing in
A - Volunteers donating CPU time and not network bandwidth.
B - Volunteers donating network bandwidth and not CPU time.
Answer : A
Q 3 - As compared to RDBMS, Hadoop
A - Has higher data Integrity.
Answer : D
Q 4 - What is the main problem faced while reading and writing data in parallel from multiple disks?
A - Processing high volume of data faster.
B - Combining data from multiple disks.
C - The software required to do this task is extremely costly.
D - The hardware required to do this task is extremely costly.
Answer : B
Q 5 - Which of the following is true for disk drives over a period of time?
A - Data Seek time is improving faster than data transfer rate.
B - Data Seek time is improving more slowly than data transfer rate.
C - Data Seek time and data transfer rate are both increasing proportionately.
D - Only the storage capacity is increasing without increase in data transfer rate.
Answer : B
Q 6 - Data locality feature in Hadoop means
A - store the same data across multiple nodes.
B - relocate the data from one node to another.
Answer : C
Q 7 - Which of these provides a Stream processing system used in Hadoop ecosystem?
Answer : C
Q 8 - HDFS files are designed for
A - Multiple writers and modifications at arbitrary offsets.
B - Only append at the end of file
Answer : B
Q 9 - A file in HDFS that is smaller than a single block size
B - Occupies the full block's size.
Answer : C
Q 10 - HDFS block size is larger as compared to the size of the disk blocks so that
A - Only HDFS files can be stored in the disk used.
C - Transfer of a large files made of multiple disk blocks is not possible.
D - A single file larger than the disk size can be stored across many disks in the cluster.
Answer : D
Q 11 - In a Hadoop cluster, what is true for a HDFS block that is no longer available due to disk corruption or machine failure?
B - It can be replicated form its alternative locations to other live machines.
C - The namenode allows new client request to keep trying to read it.
D - The Mapreduce job process runs ignoring the block and the data stored in it.
Answer : B
Q 12 - Which utility is used for checking the health of a HDFS file system?
Answer : B
Q 13 - Which command lists the blocks that make up each file in the filesystem.
A - hdfs fsck / -files -blocks
B - hdfs fsck / -blocks -files
Answer : A
Q 14 - The datanode and namenode are respectiviley
Answer : B
Q 15 - In the local disk of the namenode the files which are stored persistently are −
A - namespace image and edit log
B - block locations and namespace image
Answer : A
Q 16 - When a client communicates with the HDFS file system, it needs to communicate with
Answer : C
Q 17 - What mechanisms Hadoop uses to make namenode resilient to failure.
A - Take backup of filesystem metadata to a local disk and a remote NFS mount.
B - Store the filesystem metadata in cloud.
Answer : A
Q 18 - The main role of the secondary namenode is to
A - Copy the filesystem metadata from primary namenode.
B - Copy the filesystem metadata from NFS stored by primary namenode
C - Monitor if the primary namenode is up and running.
D - Periodically merge the namespace image with the edit log.
Answer : D
Q 19 - For the frequently accessed HDFS files the blocks are cached in
A - the memory of the datanode
B - in the memory of the namenode
D - In the memory of the client application which requested the access to these files.
Answer : A
Q 20 - User applications can instruct the namenode to cache the files by
A - adding cache file names to cache pool
B - adding cache config to cache pool
Answer : C
Q 21 - In Hadoop 2.x release HDFS federation means
A - Allowing namenodes to communicate with each other.
B - Allow a cluster to scale by adding more datanodes under one namenode.
C - Allow a cluster to scale by adding more namenodes.
D - Adding more physical memory to both namenode and datanode.
Answer : C
Q 22 - Under HDFS federation
A - Each namenode manages metadata of the entire filesystem.
B - Each namenode manages metadata of a portion of the filesystem.
C - Failure of one namenode causes loss of some metadata availability from the entire filesystem.
Answer : B
Q 23 - The main goal of HDFS High availability is
A - Faster creation of the replicas of primary namenode.
C - Prevent data loss due to failure of primary namenode.
D - Prevent the primary namenode form becoming single point of failure.
Answer : B
Q 24 - As part of the HDFS high availability a pair of primary namenodes are configured. What is true for them?
A - When a client request comes, one of them chosen at random serves the request.
B - One of them is active while the other one remains powered off.
C - Datanodes send block reports to only one of the namenodes.
D - The standby node takes periodic checkpoints of active namenode’s namespace.
Answer : D
Q 25 - Zookeeper ensures that
A - All the namenodes are actively serving the client requests
B - Only one namenode is actively serving the client requests
Answer : B
Q 26 - Under Hadoop High Availability, Fencing means
A - Preventing a previously active namenode from start running again.
B - Preventing the start of a failover in the event of network failure with the active namenode.
C - Preventing the power down to the previously active namenode.
D - Preventing a previously active namenode from writing to the edit log.
Answer : D
Q 27 - Which of the following is not a fencing mechanism for a previously active namenode?
A - Disabling its network port via a remote management command.
B - Revoking its access to shared storage directory.
Answer : C
Q 28 - The property used to set the default filesystem for Hadoop in core-site.xml is-
Answer : B
Answer : C
Q 30 - When running on a pseudo distributed mode the replication factor is set to
Answer : B
Q 31 - For a HDFS directory the replication factor(RF) is
Answer : D
Q 32 - The following is not permitted on HDFS files
Answer : D
Answer Sheet
Question Number | Answer Key |
1 | C |
2 | A |
3 | D |
4 | B |
5 | B |
6 | C |
7 | C |
8 | B |
9 | C |
10 | D |
11 | B |
12 | B |
13 | A |
14 | B |
15 | A |
16 | C |
17 | A |
18 | D |
19 | A |
20 | C |
21 | C |
22 | B |
23 | B |
24 | D |
25 | B |
26 | D |
27 | C |
28 | B |
29 | C |
30 | B |
31 | D |
32 | D |