- HBase Tutorial
- HBase - Home
- HBase - Overview
- HBase - Architecture
- HBase - Installation
- HBase - Shell
- HBase - General Commands
- HBase - Admin API
- HBase - Create Table
- HBase - Listing Table
- HBase - Disabling a Table
- HBase - Enabling a Table
- HBase - Describe & Alter
- HBase - Exists
- HBase - Drop a Table
- HBase - Shutting Down
- HBase - Client API
- HBase - Create Data
- HBase - Update Data
- HBase - Read Data
- HBase - Delete Data
- HBase - Scan
- HBase - Count & Truncate
- HBase - Security
- HBase Resources
- HBase - Questions and Answers
- HBase - Quick Guide
- HBase - Useful Resources
- Selected Reading
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes
- Developer's Best Practices
- Questions and Answers
- Effective Resume Writing
- HR Interview Questions
- Computer Glossary
- Who is Who
HBase Online Quiz
Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to HBase. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Q 1 - Hbase is what type of database?
Answer : C
Hbase is a schema less database as it stores data in column families which does not have a fixed or rigid structure to follow.
Q 2 - When a compaction operates over all HFiles in a column family in a given region, it is called
Answer : A
IN a Major compaction all the HFIles of a column family for a given region are acted upon.
Q 3 - Retrieving a batch of rows in every RPC call made by an API to a HBase database is called a
Answer : B
When a group of records is returned from HBASE database by an API making a RPC call the process is called a scan. The number of rows to be returned by configuring the caching property.
Q 4 - The number of columns Hbase table can hold is
Answer : C
As the tables are split into chunks and distributed across machines, there is no limit to how many columns they can hold.
Q 5 - When a map tasks in a mapreduce job reads from the Hbase table, it reads from
Answer : D
Each map tasks reading a Hbase table reads from a region.
Q 6 - In the pseudo-distributed mode, Hbase runs on
Answer : C
In pseudo-distributed mode Hbase can run on either local file system or HDFS but not both.
Q 7 - What does the following command do?
hbase> alter ‘t1′, NAME => ‘f1′, VERSIONS => 5
A - All the columns in the column family f1 of table t1 can have minimum 5 versions.
B - All the columns in the column family f1 of table t1 can have maximum 5 versions.
C - Creates 5 versions of the column family named f1 in table t1.
Answer : B
The command keeps a maximum of 5 versions of all columns in column family f1.
Q 8 - The two classes which are provided by coprocessors are
Answer : D
The two classes provided by co-processors to extend it custom its functionalities are −
Q 9 - If a region directory does not have .tmp directory then
Answer : A
No .tmp directory indicates no compaction happened
Q 10 - In Hbase a table can be
Answer : B
The table must be disabled before it is dropped.