HTML - Fonts Reference

Fonts are specific to platform. You will have different look and feel of a web page on different machines running different operating systems like Windows, Linux or Mac iOS. Here we are giving a list of fonts which are available in various operating systems.

HTML <font> tag is deprecated in version 4.0 onwards and now all fonts are set by using CSS. Here is the simple syntax of setting font of a body of web page.

body {
   font-family: "new century schoolbook";
<body style = "font-family:new century schoolbook;">


<!DOCTYPE html>

      <title>Font Setting Using CSS</title>

      <p>Change any of the style and try it.</p>
      <div style = "font-family:verdana;">This is demo for font family</div>
      <br />
      <div style = "font-size:120%;">This is demo for font size</div>
      <br />
      <div style = "font-size:14pt;">This is demo for font size</div>


This will produce the following result −

Fonts for Microsoft Systems

Font Font Font
Andale Mono Arial Arial Bold
Arial Italic Arial Bold Italic Arial Black
Comic Sans MS Comic Sans MS Bold Courier New
Courier New Bold Courier New Italic Courier New Bold Italic
Georgia Georgia Bold Georgia Italic
Georgia Bold Italic Impact Lucida Console
Lucida Sans Unicode Marlett Minion Web
Symbol Times New Roman Times New Roman Bold
Times New Roman Italic Times New Roman Bold Italic Tahoma
Trebuchet MS Trebuchet MS Bold Trebuchet MS Italic
Trebuchet MS Bold Italic Verdana Verdana Bold
Verdana Italic Verdana Bold Italic Webdings

You can check example fonts here − Microsoft Fonts Examples

Fonts for Macintosh Systems

Following is the list of fonts supported by Macintosh System 7 and higher versions

Font Font Font
American Typewriter Andale Mono Apple Chancery
Arial Arial Black Brush Script
Baskerville Big Caslon Comic Sans MS
Copperplate Courier New Gill Sans
Futura Herculanum Impact
Lucida Grande Marker Felt Optima
Trebuchet MS Verdana Webdings
Palatino Symbol Times
Osaka Papyrus Times New Roman
Textile Zapf Dingbats Zapfino
Techno Hoefler Text Skia
Hoefler Text Ornaments Capitals Charcoal
Gadget Sand

You can check example fonts here − Mac Fonts Examples

Fonts for Unix Systems

Following is the list of fonts supported by most Unix System variants

Font Font Font
Charter Clean Courier
Fixed Helvetica Lucida
Lucida bright Lucida Typewriter New Century Schoolbook
Symbol Terminal Times

You can check example fonts here − Unix Fonts Examples


There are 27 = 128 printable characters which can be represented by different 7-BIT ASCII codes. Another set of characters are not for HTML representation but they are devised to control hardware.

Following tables list down all the 7-BIT ASCII codes and their equivalent HTML Entity Codes.

If you want to see equivalent HEX, OCT and extended set of ASCII codes then check next chapter.

7-BIT Printable ASCII Characters

ASCII Characters Description HTML Entity Codes
  space &#32;
! exclamation mark &#33;
" quotation mark &#34;
# number sign &#35;
$ dollar sign &#36;
% percent sign &#37;
& ampersand &#38;
' apostrophe &#39;
( left parenthesis &#40;
) right parenthesis &#41;
* asterisk &#42;
+ plus sign &#43;
, comma &#44;
- hyphen &#45;
. period &#46;
/ slash &#47;
0 digit 0 &#48;
1 digit 1 &#49;
2 digit 2 &#50;
3 digit 3 &#51;
4 digit 4 &#52;
5 digit 5 &#53;
6 digit 6 &#54;
7 digit 7 &#55;
8 digit 8 &#56;
9 digit 9 &#57;
: colon &#58;
; semicolon &#59;
< less-than &#60;
= equals-to &#61;
> greater-than &#62;
? question mark &#63;
@ at sign &#64;
A uppercase A &#65;
B uppercase B &#66;
C uppercase C &#67;
D uppercase D &#68;
E uppercase E &#69;
F uppercase F &#70;
G uppercase G &#71;
H uppercase H &#72;
I uppercase I &#73;
J uppercase J &#74;
K uppercase K &#75;
L uppercase L &#76;
M uppercase M &#77;
N uppercase N &#78;
O uppercase O &#79;
P uppercase P &#80;
Q uppercase Q &#81;
R uppercase R &#82;
S uppercase S &#83;
T uppercase T &#84;
U uppercase U &#85;
V uppercase V &#86;
W uppercase W &#87;
X uppercase X &#88;
Y uppercase Y &#89;
Z uppercase Z &#90;
[ left square bracket &#91;
\ backslash &#92;
] right square bracket &#93;
^ caret &#94;
_ underscore &#95;
` grave accent &#96;
a lowercase a &#97;
b lowercase b &#98;
c lowercase c &#99;
d lowercase d &#100;
e lowercase e &#101;
f lowercase f &#102;
g lowercase g &#103;
h lowercase h &#104;
i lowercase i &#105;
j lowercase j &#106;
k lowercase k &#107;
l lowercase l &#108;
m lowercase m &#109;
n lowercase n &#110;
o lowercase o &#111;
p lowercase p &#112;
q lowercase q &#113;
r lowercase r &#114;
s lowercase s &#115;
t lowercase t &#116;
u lowercase u &#117;
v lowercase v &#118;
w lowercase w &#119;
x lowercase x &#120;
y lowercase y &#121;
z lowercase z &#122;
{ left curly brace &#123;
| vertical bar &#124;
} right curly brace &#125;
~ tilde &#126;

7-BIT ASCII Device Control Characters

ASCII Characters Description HTML Entity Codes
NUL null character &#00;
SOH start of header &#01;
STX start of text &#02;
ETX end of text &#03;
EOT end of transmission &#04;
ENQ enquiry &#05;
ACK acknowledge &#06;
BEL bell (ring) &#07;
BS backspace &#08;
HT horizontal tab &#09;
LF line feed &#10;
VT vertical tab &#11;
FF form feed &#12;
CR carriage return &#13;
SO shift out &#14;
SI shift in &#15;
DLE data link escape &#16;
DC1 device control 1 &#17;
DC2 device control 2 &#18;
DC3 device control 3 &#19;
DC4 device control 4 &#20;
NAK negative acknowledge &#21;
SYN synchronize &#22;
ETB end transmission block &#23;
CAN cancel &#24;
EM end of medium &#25;
SUB substitute &#26;
ESC escape &#27;
FS file separator &#28;
GS group separator &#29;
RS record separator &#30;
US unit separator &#31;
DEL delete (rubout) &#127;