- The C Standard Library
- The C Standard Library
- The C++ Standard Library
- C++ Library - Home
- C++ Library - <fstream>
- C++ Library - <iomanip>
- C++ Library - <ios>
- C++ Library - <iosfwd>
- C++ Library - <iostream>
- C++ Library - <istream>
- C++ Library - <ostream>
- C++ Library - <sstream>
- C++ Library - <streambuf>
- C++ Library - <atomic>
- C++ Library - <complex>
- C++ Library - <exception>
- C++ Library - <functional>
- C++ Library - <limits>
- C++ Library - <locale>
- C++ Library - <memory>
- C++ Library - <new>
- C++ Library - <numeric>
- C++ Library - <regex>
- C++ Library - <stdexcept>
- C++ Library - <string>
- C++ Library - <thread>
- C++ Library - <tuple>
- C++ Library - <typeinfo>
- C++ Library - <utility>
- C++ Library - <valarray>
- The C++ STL Library
- C++ Library - <array>
- C++ Library - <bitset>
- C++ Library - <deque>
- C++ Library - <forward_list>
- C++ Library - <list>
- C++ Library - <map>
- C++ Library - <queue>
- C++ Library - <set>
- C++ Library - <stack>
- C++ Library - <unordered_map>
- C++ Library - <unordered_set>
- C++ Library - <vector>
- C++ Library - <algorithm>
- C++ Library - <iterator>
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The C++ Standard Library Tutorial
C++ is a middle-level programming language developed by Bjarne Stroustrup starting in 1979 at Bell Labs. C++ runs on a variety of platforms, such as Windows, Mac OS, and the various versions of UNIX. The C++ Standard Library is a collection of classes, functions, macros, constants etc which have been written in the core C++ language. There is a big list of required header files which can vary depending on different compiler implementations. This header list includes the headers containing the content from the C Standard Library, a list of new C++ specific headers, and other important headers for the C++ Standard Template Library (STL).
The C++ Standard Library is a reference for C++ programmer to help them at every steps of their projects related to system programming. All the C++ functions have been explained in easy to understand way and they can be used easily in your C++ projects.
A basic understanding of the C++ Programming languages will help you in understanding the C++ classes and built-in functions covered in this library.