- Puppeteer Tutorial
- Puppeteer - Home
- Puppeteer - Introduction
- Puppeteer - Element Handling
- Puppeteer - Usage of Google
- Puppeteer - NodeJS Installation
- Puppeteer VS Code Configuration
- Puppeteer - Installation
- Puppeteer - Basic Test
- Puppeteer - Non Headless Execution
- Comparison Between Puppeteer & Selenium
- Comparison Between Puppeteer & Protractor
- Comparison Between Puppeteer & Cypress
- Puppeteer - Browser Operations
- Puppeteer - Handling Tabs
- Puppeteer - Basic Commands
- Puppeteer - Firefox
- Puppeteer - Chrome
- Puppeteer - Handling Confirm Alerts
- Puppeteer - Handling Drop-downs
- Puppeteer - Locators
- Puppeteer - Xpath Functions
- Puppeteer - Xpath Attributes
- Puppeteer - Xpath Grouping
- Puppeteer - Absolute Xpath
- Puppeteer - Relative Xpath
- Puppeteer - Xpath Axes
- Puppeteer - Type Selector
- Name Selector & Class Name Selector
- Puppeteer - Id Selector
- Puppeteer - Attribute Selector
- Puppeteer - Handling Links/Button
- Handling Edit Boxes & Checkboxes
- Puppeteer - Handling Frames
- Puppeteer - Keyboard Simulation
- Puppeteer - Getting Element Text
- Puppeteer - Getting Element Attribute
- Puppeteer - Device Emulation
- Puppeteer - Disable JavaScript
- Puppeteer - Synchronization
- Puppeteer - Capture Screenshot
- Puppeteer Useful Resources
- Puppeteer - Quick Guide
- Puppeteer - Useful Resources
- Puppeteer - Discussion
- Selected Reading
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes
- Developer's Best Practices
- Questions and Answers
- Effective Resume Writing
- HR Interview Questions
- Computer Glossary
- Who is Who

Puppeteer Tutorial
Puppeteer is used for automation and streamlining of the frontend development and testing respectively. This tutorial shall give us a thorough insight on Puppeteer and its different terminologies. The tutorial contains practical examples on all main topics.
This tutorial is designed for professionals working in software testing who want to hone their skills on a robust automation testing tool like Puppeteer. It can be used to test applications developed in Angular and Angularjs.
Prior going through this tutorial, you should have a fair knowledge on JavaScript and object oriented programming concepts. Besides, a good understanding of basics in testing is important to proceed with the tutorial.