- Telecom Billing Tutorial
- Telecom Billing - Home
- Telecom Billing - Introduction
- Telecom Billing - System Architecture
- Telecom Billing - Products & Services
- Telecom Billing - Tariff Planning
- Customer Acquisition
- Telecom Billing - Usage Capturing
- Telecom Billing - Rating Processes
- Telecom Billing - Processes
- Telecom Billing - Discount Application
- Telecom Billing - Invoice Generation
- Telecom Billing - Credit Control
- Telecom Billing - Collection Process
- Telecom Billing - Payment Processing
- Disputes & Adjustments
- Telecom Billing - Reports Generation
- Advanced Telecom Billing Topics
- Pre-Paid vs Post-Paid
- Retail Billing
- Interconnect Billing
- Roaming Billing
- MVNO Billing
- Convergent Billing
- Support & Maintenance
- Telecom Billing - System Interfaces
- Useful Telecom Billing Resources
- Telecom Billing - Major Systems
- Telecom Billing - Terminologies
- Telecom Billing - Quick Guide
- Telecom Billing - Useful Resources
- Telecom Billing - Discussion
- Selected Reading
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes
- Developer's Best Practices
- Questions and Answers
- Effective Resume Writing
- HR Interview Questions
- Computer Glossary
- Who is Who

Telecom Billing Tutorial
Telecom Billing is a process of collecting usage, aggregating it, applying required charges and finally generating invoices for the customers. Telecom Billing process also includes receiving and recording payments from the customers. This tutorial gives you a complete understanding on Telecom Billing.
This tutorial has been designed for Telecom Billing Professionals. It will help them understand end-to-end billing process along with all the associated concepts.
Before proceeding with this tutorial, we assume that you have a basic understanding of GSM, GPRS services like voice, SMS and data.