- Physics Notes for UPSC IAS Prelims (Part I)
- Physics - Home
- Physics - Force and Pressure
- Physics - Friction
- Physics - Some Natural Phenomena
- Physics - Motion
- Physics - Force and Laws of Motion
- Physics - Gravitation
- Physics - Mass and Weight
- Physics - Work and Energy
- Physics - Light
- Physics - Reflection and Refraction
- Images Formed by Spherical Mirrors
- Physics - Refraction of Light
- Physics - Spherical Lenses
- The Human Eye & Colorful World
- Refraction of Light Through a Prism
- Physics - Electricity
- Chemical Effects of Electric Current
- Magnetic Effects of Electric Current
- Physics - Electric Motor
- Physics - Source of Energy
- Physics - Sound Part I
- Physics - Sound Part II
- Speed of Sound in Different Media
- Physics - The Solar System
- Physics - Stars and The Solar System
- Physics Useful Resources
- Physics Part 1 - Online Quiz
- Physics Part 1 - Online Test
- Physics Part 1 - Quick Guide
- Physics - Useful Resources
- Physics - Discussion
- Selected Reading
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes
- Developer's Best Practices
- Questions and Answers
- Effective Resume Writing
- HR Interview Questions
- Computer Glossary
- Who is Who

Physics Notes for UPSC IAS Prelims (Part I)
Physics is one of the disciplines of natural science that studies about the various aspects of the matters and energy. The major topics those are studied in physics are mechanics, electricity, magnetism, heat, sound, light and other radiation, and the structure of atoms. In addition, physics also explains the evolution, structure, and functions of various elements of the universe. Because of having wide range of topics, this tutorial is divided into two parts namely Physics Part 1 and Physics Part 2. Further, these two parts are divided into different chapters for an easy understanding.
This tutorial is designed exclusively for the students preparing for the different competitive exams including Civil Services, Banking, Railway, Eligibility Test, IAS, PCS and all other competitive exams of such kind.
This tutorial is partly based on NCERT Physics (class 8th to 10th) i.e. Part I and Part 2 is prepared from the different reliable sources and represents largely the significant facts and figures vital for the competitive exams. This tutorial starts with the basic concepts of Physics; however, prior experience of reading the NCERT science (Physics) books is recommended for the easy understanding.