- Medieval Indian History Tutorial
- Medieval Indian History - Home
- Kingdoms of North India
- The Rajputs
- The Invaders
- Delhi Sultanate
- The Khilji Sultans
- Tughlaq Sultans
- Lodi Sultans
- New Kingdoms
- Religion
- The Sikh Movement
- Babur’s Advent into India
- Major Battles
- Significance of Babur's Conquest
- Humayun’s Conquest
- Humayun’s Downfall
- Sur Empire
- Akbar the Great
- Early Phase of Akbar’s Reign
- Expansion of Mughal Empire
- Akbar’s Administrative System
- Akbar’s Organization of Government
- Akbar’s Relation with Neighbours
- Rebels during Mughal Empire
- Deccan & South India
- Conquest of South – I
- Conquest of South – II
- Deccan’s Cultural Contribution
- Political Development Mughals
- Nur Jahan
- Shah Jahan’s Rebel
- Mughals’ Foreign Policy
- Mansabdari System
- Social Life under the Mughals
- Nobles & Zamindars
- Trade & Commerce
- Mughals’ Cultural Developments
- Language, Literature & Music
- Religious Ideas & Beliefs
- Problems of Succession
- Aurangzeb’s Reign & Religious Policy
- North-East India
- Popular Revolts & Movements
- Rise of Maratha
- Administrative System of Shivaji
- Aurangzeb & Deccani States
- Reference and Disclaimer
- Medieval Indian History Resources
- Medieval Indian History - Online Quiz
- Medieval Indian History - Online Test
- Medieval Indian History - Quick Guide
- Medieval Indian History - Resources
- Medieval Indian History - Discussion
- Selected Reading
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes
- Developer's Best Practices
- Questions and Answers
- Effective Resume Writing
- HR Interview Questions
- Computer Glossary
- Who is Who

Medieval Indian History Tutorial
History is a subject that gives the facts and perspectives of past events. In its given premises, it includes a wide range of topics such geographical conditions and human settlements, society and cultures; type of governance and administrative systems; trade and economic policy; interstate relationships; wars and battles, etc. in the time frame of Ancient, Medieval, and Modern.
So, History is one of the essential disciplines of Social Science to know the past and design the future accordingly.
This tutorial is divided into different chapters and explains the concept of historical facts in a given time frame-work.
This tutorial is designed exclusively for the students preparing for the different competitive exams including Civil Services, Banking, Railway, Eligibility Test, IAS, PCS, and all other competitive exams of such kind.
This tutorial is entirely based on NCERT History Old Edition (class 8th to 12th); all the important points, concepts, and facts are filtered carefully; therefore, prior knowledge of basic History or else having experience of reading NCERT History books is essential to understand the topics.