- BabelJs Tutorial
- BabelJs - Home
- BabelJs - Overview
- BabelJs - Environment Setup
- BabelJs - CLI
- BabelJs - ES6 Code Execution
- BabelJs - Project setup using Babel 6
- BabelJs - Project Setup Using Babel 7
- Transpile ES6 features to ES5
- Transpile ES6 Modules to ES5
- Transpile ES7 features to ES5
- Transpile ES8 features to ES5
- BabelJs - Babel Plugins
- BabelJs - Babel Polyfill
- BabelJs - Babel CLI
- BabelJs - Babel Presets
- Working with Babel and Webpack
- Working with Babel and JSX
- Working with Babel and Flow
- Working with BabelJS and Gulp
- BabelJs - Examples
- BabelJs Useful Resources
- BabelJs - Quick Guide
- BabelJs - Useful Resources
- BabelJs - Discussion
- Selected Reading
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes
- Developer's Best Practices
- Questions and Answers
- Effective Resume Writing
- HR Interview Questions
- Computer Glossary
- Who is Who

BabelJS Tutorial
BabelJS is a JavaScript transpiler which transpiles new features into old standard. With this, the features can be run on both old and new browsers, hassle-free. Babeljs comes with a wide range of features in the form of plugins, presets, polyfills, etc.
In short, Babeljs is a toolset which has all the required tools available with it and which helps the developers to use all the current features available in ECMA Script and yet not worry how it will be supported on browsers.
This tutorial is designed for software programmers who want to learn the basics of BabelJS and its programming concepts in simple and easy ways. This tutorial will give you enough understanding on various functionalities of BabelJS with suitable examples.
Before proceeding with this tutorial, you should have a basic understanding of JavaScript.