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Executive Assistant Coaching Tutorial
Truth be told, the job of an Executive Assistant does come with the customary money and glamour, which is a huge incentive for those who want to make a career out of hobnobbing with the rich and successful people. However, that is exactly how this job profile appears to an outsider. The job of an Executive Assistant is much more than meets the eye – It is about giving valuable support to a person and his organization, which makes the job of an Executive Assistant unique. To become successful in this field takes long-term practicing of the unique skills that are associated with the job.
In this tutorial, we will discuss how interested candidates can become Executive Assistants and help in building value for the business by supporting their managers and making their jobs easier. They act like an organizer for their bosses. They remember appointments, coordinate with teams and synchronize events, so that the tasks are handled in a systematic way.
This tutorial is designed to identify the roles and the contribution of an Executive Assistant through their creative problem solving and coordinating methods. The readers need to have a basic knowledge about the job of an assistant and the job responsibilities that come with this type of a profile.