Hello Students...My Self Priyanka, I have been working as an Instructor for more than five years. I taught Various Programming Languages such as C, C++, Java, Python for 1000+ students.
I must Say, If you are planning to start your career as a Programmer, then Learning C Programming is the best choice, since almost all the modern Programming languages such as java, python etc. can interface with it. C programming language has fewer libraries in comparison with other high-level languages. So, learning C programming also clears programming concepts to a great extent as you have to write lot of things from scratch. You will not be dependent on the programming language entirely for implementing some basic operations and implementing them on your own will also help you to build your analytical skills. C Language is used for the development of System software also for the development of application software, C is extensively used in Embedded Programming.
In this course I will be covering all the Basic concepts related to programming, Data types & variables, Variety of Operators along with examples, Control Statements in C- such as if, if-else, nested if, else-if ladder, switch case etc. each with detail examples explained. also Looping statements- while, do-while, for with examples, more emphasis on - User defined functions, Function Prototype, Function Definition, Function Prototype, Argument list, Parameter passing etc. Also Arrays, String, Structure concepts are explained with lots of Programming Problems. Most importantly Pointers & their implementation explained in detail.
If you still haven't registered for the course, I insist you to register for the course & I will see you inside the course.
Fundamental Concepts of C Programming language
Write your First C Program
Understand different keywords & Data types in C
Understand Variables & Scope of Variable
Learn Enumeration or Enum data type
Using I/O Functions(printf(), scanf())
Bunch of Operators in C with lots of Examples
Understand How the Program gets Executed- Program Flow
Control Flow- if | if-else | Nested if | else-if ladder | switch case with examples
Why we need loops in the Program? Looping statements- while | do-while | for
Functions- : How we create user defined function in the Program?
Functions in Detail- Function Prototype | Function Definition | Function call | Argument list | Parameter passing
Array- 1D, 2D | Declaration & Initialization | Array Implementation in the program with examples
String- Creating, Reading, Printing, Manipulating with lot of examples
What is Structure? Creating Structure in the Program
Array of Structure
Pointer- Understand in Detail with examples
Learn Basic Programming Concepts in C which will help you understand modern Programming Languages such as Java, Python
If you want to start your career as a Programmer then start learning from the Fundamental concepts of Programming in C
Feedbacks (16)
Course was too good..... By practicing I'll be able to do it perfect.... Thank you for this.... Really need it