- Workplace Safety Tutorial
- Workplace Safety - Home
- Workplace Safety - Introduction
- Workplace Safety - Importance
- Workplace Safety - Planning
- Roles & Responsibilities
- Workplace Hazards
- Workplace Safety - Health Hazards
- Workplace Safety - Manager’s Role
- Safety & Health Program
- Workplace Safety - Training
- Importance of Training
- Stress Management
- Workplace Safety - Violence
- Identify Company Hazards
- Drug & Alcohol Abuse
- Workplace Safety - Writing the Plan
- Plan Implementation
- Workplace Safety Resources
- Workplace Safety - Quick Guide
- Workplace Safety - Useful Resources
- Workplace Safety - Discussion
- Selected Reading
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes
- Developer's Best Practices
- Questions and Answers
- Effective Resume Writing
- HR Interview Questions
- Computer Glossary
- Who is Who

Workplace Safety Tutorial
Workplace health and safety or occupational health and safety is a multidisciplinary field concerned with protecting the health and safety of all stakeholders in workplaces from exposure to hazards, mishaps and risks resulting from work activities. It also involves maintenance and safety of all assets of the organization. In this tutorial, we will be discussing about the various aspects of the safety related to employees and their working environment.
This tutorial is designed primarily for the Human Resource team and Managers, who want to understand how to provide safety and protection to their employees. It also throws light on how to create a safe and productive work environment for all the employees within an organization.
The readers of this tutorial are expected to have a basic understanding of the complexity of Employee Safety at workplace and the strategies for protecting the employees in the organization.