Are you looking forward to learning C# with Windows forms and with a variety of projects? Then this course will help you build a solid foundation in C# with ease.
This course provides a step-by-step guide to create executable Windows form projects using C#. You will learn to code in C# and gain an in-depth understanding of the structures of Windows forms by understanding various fundamental concepts such as namespace, class, keyword, and so on. You will also learn to use the .NET framework, understand the difference between classes versus structs and explore the concept of enumerations.
In the further section, you will learn about changing variables using compound operations. Learn about the practical examples of while loops, for loops and understand grid views with for loops. Also, learn about how to work with double loops and for each loop with arrays. There are specific sections added that are focused on practical applications of C#.
By the end of this course, you will be able to create Windows forms project by coding in C# for each part all by yourself.
All resources and code files are placed here:
This course is for those who are interested in C#, Windows Forms, and some object-oriented programming.