- Continuous Integration Tutorial
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- CI - Checking in Source Code
- CI - Creating a Project in TeamCity
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- CI - Build Failure Notifications
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Continuous Integration Tutorial
Continuous Integration is a development practice that calls upon development teams to ensure that a build and subsequent testing is conducted for every code change made to a software program. This concept was meant to remove the problem of finding the late occurrences of issues in the build lifecycle. Instead of the developers working in isolation and not integrating enough, continuous integration was introduced to ensure that the code changes and builds were never done in isolation.
Continuous integration has become a very integral part of any software development process. It will help the software testing professionals who would like to learn how to build and test their projects continuously in order to help the developers integrate the changes to the project as quickly as possible and obtain fresh builds.
This is a preliminary tutorial that covers some of the most fundamental concepts of Continuous Integration. Any professional having a good understanding of Software Development should benefit from this tutorial.