- OrientDB Tutorial
- OrientDB - Home
- OrientDB - Overview
- OrientDB - Installation
- OrientDB - Basic Concepts
- OrientDB - Data Types
- OrientDB - Console Modes
- OrientDB Database Commands
- OrientDB - Create Database
- OrientDB - Alter Database
- OrientDB - Backup Database
- OrientDB - Restore Database
- OrientDB - Connect Database
- OrientDB - Disconnect Database
- OrientDB - Info Database
- OrientDB - List Database
- OrientDB - Freeze Database
- OrientDB - Release Database
- OrientDB - Config Database
- OrientDB - Export Database
- OrientDB - Import Database
- OrientDB - Commit Database
- OrientDB - Rollback Database
- OrientDB - Optimize Database
- OrientDB - Drop Database
- OrientDB Record Commands
- OrientDB - Insert Record
- OrientDB - Display Records
- OrientDB - Load Record
- OrientDB - Reload Record
- OrientDB - Export Record
- OrientDB - Update Record
- OrientDB - Truncate Record
- OrientDB - Delete Record
- OrientDB Class Commands
- OrientDB - Create Class
- OrientDB - Alter Class
- OrientDB - Truncate Class
- OrientDB - Drop Class
- OrientDB Cluster Commands
- OrientDB - Create Cluster
- OrientDB - Alter Cluster
- OrientDB - Truncate Cluster
- OrientDB - Drop Cluster
- OrientDB Property Commands
- OrientDB - Create Property
- OrientDB - Alter Property
- OrientDB - Drop Property
- OrientDB Vertex Commands
- OrientDB - Create Vertex
- OrientDB - Move Vertex
- OrientDB - Delete Vertex
- OrientDB Edge Commands
- OrientDB - Create Edge
- OrientDB - Update Edge
- OrientDB - Delete Edge
- OrientDB Advanced Concepts
- OrientDB - Functions
- OrientDB - Sequences
- OrientDB - Indexes
- OrientDB - Transactions
- OrientDB - Hooks
- OrientDB - Caching
- OrientDB - Logging
- OrientDB - Performance Tuning
- OrientDB - Upgrading
- OrientDB - Security
- OrientDB - Studio
- OrientDB Interfaces
- OrientDB - Java Interface
- OrientDB - Python Interface
- OrientDB Useful Resources
- OrientDB - Quick Guide
- OrientDB - Useful Resources
- OrientDB - Discussion
- Selected Reading
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes
- Developer's Best Practices
- Questions and Answers
- Effective Resume Writing
- HR Interview Questions
- Computer Glossary
- Who is Who

OrientDB Tutorial
OrientDB is an Open Source NoSQL Database Management System, which contains the features of traditional DBMS along with the new features of both Document and Graph DBMS. It is written in Java and is amazingly fast. It can store 220,000 records per second on commodity hardware.
In the following chapters of this tutorial, we will look closely at OrientDB, one of the best open-source, multi-model, next generation NoSQL product.
This tutorial is designed for software professionals who are willing to learn NoSQL Database in simple and easy steps. This tutorial will give a great understanding on OrientDB concepts.
OrientDB is NoSQL Database technologies which deals with the Documents, Graphs and traditional database components, like Schema and relation. Thus it is better to have knowledge of SQL. Familiarity with NoSQL is an added advantage.