- Microwave Engineering Tutorial
- Microwave Engineering - Home
- Introduction
- Transmission Lines
- Modes of Propagation
- Types of Transmission Lines
- Waveguides
- Components
- Avalanche Transit Time Devices
- Microwave Devices
- E-Plane Tee
- H-Plane Tee
- E-H Plane Tee
- Rat-race Junction
- Directional Couplers
- Cavity Klystron
- Reflex Klystron
- Travelling Wave Tube
- Magnetrons
- Measurement Devices
- Measurements
- Example Problems
- Microwave Engineering Resources
- Quick Guide
- Microwave Engineering - Resources
- Microwave Engineering - Discussion
- Selected Reading
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes
- Developer's Best Practices
- Questions and Answers
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Microwave Engineering Tutorial
Of all the waves found in the electromagnetic spectrum, Microwaves are a special type of electromagnetic radiation that is used in many ways, from cooking simple popcorn to studying the nearby galaxies!! This tutorial will help readers get an overall knowledge on how Microwaves work and how we use them in several applications.
This tutorial will be helpful for all those readers who want to learn the basics of Microwave Engineering. The readers will gain knowledge on how Microwave signals are generated, controlled, transmitted, and measured.
It is a simple tutorial written in a lucid way. We believe almost any reader having a basic knowledge of analog and digital communication can use this tutorial to good effect.