- Power Electronics Tutorial
- Power Electronics - Home
- Power Electronics - Introduction
- Power Electronics - Switching Devices
- Linear Circuit Elements
- Power Semiconductor Devices
- Silicon Controlled Rectifier
- Power Electronics - TRIAC
- Power Electronics - BJT
- Power Electronics - IGBT
- Power Electronics - MOSFET
- Solved Example
- Phase Controlled Converters
- Power Electronics - Pulse Converters
- Effect of Source Inductance
- Performance Parameters
- Reactive Power Control of Converters
- Power Electronics - Dual Converters
- Solved Example
- DC to DC Converters
- Power Electronics - Choppers
- Power Electronics - Control Methods
- Resonant Switching
- DC Converters Solved Example
- AC to DC Converters
- Single Phase AC Voltage Controllers
- Power Electronics - Cycloconverters
- Integral Cycle Control
- Power Electronics - Matrix Converters
- Solved Example
- Power Electronics Resources
- Power Electronics - Quick Guide
- Power Electronics - Useful Resources
- Power Electronics - Discussion
- Selected Reading
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes
- Developer's Best Practices
- Questions and Answers
- Effective Resume Writing
- HR Interview Questions
- Computer Glossary
- Who is Who

Power Electronics Tutorial
Power Electronics refers to an interdisciplinary subject within electrical engineering that deals with the design, control and conversion of power in its electric form. A system that converts electric energy to an electric load through a control circuit is known as a Power Electronic System.
The purpose of this tutorial is to introduce and explain the main concepts in Power Electronics, which include Power Semi-Conductor Devices, Phase-Controlled Converters, DC to DC Converter, Inverters and AC to AC Converters.
The target of this tutorial is electrical engineering students. It is a good resource to help them gain knowledge on electronics and circuits as applied in power electronics.
This tutorial is meant for novice readers. Almost anyone with a basic knowledge of electronics can make the most of this tutorial. It is difficult to avoid complex mathematics at some places, although we have tried to keep it at a minimum level. Therefore it is expected that the readers are comfortable with mathematical equations.