- Java XML Tutorial
- Java XML Home
- Java XML Overview
- Java XML Parsers
- Java DOM Parser
- Java DOM Parser
- Parse XML Document
- Query XML Document
- Create XML Document
- Modify XML Document
- Java SAX Parser
- Java SAX Parser
- Parse XML Document
- Query XML Document
- Create XML Document
- Modify XML Document
- JDOM XML Parser
- JDOM XML Parser
- Parse XML Document
- Query XML Document
- Create XML Document
- Modify XML Document
- Java StAX Parser
- Java StAX Parser
- Parse XML Document
- Query XML Document
- Create XML Document
- Modify XML Document
- Java XPath Parser
- Java XPath Parser
- Parse XML Document
- Query XML Document
- Create XML Document
- Modify XML Document
- Java DOM4J Parser
- Java DOM4J Parser
- Parse XML Document
- Query XML Document
- Create XML Document
- Modify XML Document
- Java XML Useful Resources
- Java XML - Questions and Answers
- Java XML - Quick Guide
- Java XML - Useful Resources
- Java XML - Discussion
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Java XML Tutorial
XML (Extensible Markup Language) is a very popular simple text-based language that can be used as a mode of communication between different applications. It is considered as a standard means to transport and store data. JAVA provides excellent support and a rich set of libraries to parse, modify or inquire XML documents. This tutorial will teach you basic XML concepts and the usage of various types of Java based XML parsers in a simple and intuitive way.
This tutorial has been prepared for beginners to help them understand the basic-to-advanced concepts related to XML parsing using Java Programming language.
After completing this tutorial, you will find yourself at a moderate level of expertise in XML parsing using Java from where you can take yourself to higher levels of expertise.
Knowledge of computers is not a prerequisite to follow the contents of this tutorial. This tutorial assumes no background in computers or computer programming, though basic knowledge of computer terminologies will help in understanding the given concepts very easily.