- PyGTK Tutorial
- PyGTK - Home
- PyGTK - Introduction
- PyGTK - Environment
- PyGTK - Hello World
- PyGTK - Important Classes
- PyGTK - Window Class
- PyGTK - Button Class
- PyGTK - Label CLass
- PyGTK - Entry Class
- PyGTK - Signal Handling
- PyGTK - Event Handling
- PyGTK - Containers
- PyGTK - Box Class
- PyGTK - ButtonBox Class
- PyGTK - Alignment Class
- PyGTK - EventBox Class
- PyGTK - Layout Class
- PyGTK - ComboBox Class
- PyGTK - ToggleButton Class
- PyGTK - CheckButton Class
- PyGTK - RadioButton Class
- PyGTK - MenuBar, Menu & MenuItem
- PyGTK - Toolbar Class
- PyGTK - Adjustment Class
- PyGTK - Range Class
- PyGTK - Scale Class
- PyGTK - Scrollbar Class
- PyGTK - Dialog Class
- PyGTK - MessageDialog Class
- PyGTK - AboutDialog Class
- PyGTK - Font Selection Dialog
- PyGTK - Color Selection Dialog
- PyGTK - File Chooser Dialog
- PyGTK - Notebook Class
- PyGTK - Frame Class
- PyGTK - AspectFrame Class
- PyGTK - TreeView Class
- PyGTK - Paned Class
- PyGTK - Statusbar Class
- PyGTK - ProgressBar Class
- PyGTK - Viewport Class
- PyGTK - Scrolledwindow Class
- PyGTK - Arrow Class
- PyGTK - Image Class
- PyGTK - DrawingArea Class
- PyGTK - SpinButton Class
- PyGTK - Calendar Class
- PyGTK - Clipboard Class
- PyGTK - Ruler Class
- PyGTK - Timeout
- PyGTK - Drag and Drop
- PyGTK Useful Resources
- PyGTK - Quick Guide
- PyGTK - Useful Resources
- PyGTK - Discussion
- Selected Reading
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes
- Developer's Best Practices
- Questions and Answers
- Effective Resume Writing
- HR Interview Questions
- Computer Glossary
- Who is Who

PyGTK Tutorial
PyGTK is a set of wrappers written in Python and C for GTK + GUI library. It is part of the GNOME project. It offers comprehensive tools for building desktop applications in Python. This tutorial discusses the basic functionalities of the different widgets found in the toolkit.
This tutorial has been prepared for beginners to help them understand the basic concepts of PyGTK. Advanced programmers can also draw benefits from this tutorial.
Before proceeding further with this tutorial, it is recommended that you have a reasonable knowledge of Python programming language.