- Python Data Structure and Algorithms Tutorial
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Python - Data structures Tutorial
Computers store and process data with an extra ordinary speed and accuracy. So, it is highly essential that the data is stored efficiently and can be accessed fast. Also, the processing of data should happen in the smallest possible time, but without losing the accuracy.
Data structures deal with how the data is organised and held in the memory, when a program processes it. It is important to note that, the data that is stored in the disk as part of persistent storages (like relational tables) are not referred as data structure here.
An Algorithm is step by step set of instruction to process the data for a specific purpose. So, an algorithm utilises various data structures in a logical way to solve a specific computing problem.
In this tutorial, we will cover these two fundamental concepts of computer science using the Python programming language.
This tutorial is designed for Computer Science graduates as well as Software Professionals who are willing to learn data structures and algorithm programming in simple and easy steps using Python as a programming language.
Before proceeding with this tutorial, you should have a basic knowledge of writing code in Python programming language, using any python integrated development environment (IDE) and execution of Python programs. If you are completely new to python, then please refer our Python tutorial to get a sound understanding of the language.