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Found 204 Articles for IOS

Updated on 04-May-2023 12:48:01
In iOS Swift, you can manually deprecate members (properties, methods, and other members) by using the @available attribute with the deprecated argument. @available The @available attribute in Swift is used to specify the availability of a particular piece of code. It can be used to mark a class, function, method, property, or enumeration as available or unavailable for a particular platform, version, or architecture. Here's an example syntax of the @available attribute @available(platform version, *) The platform argument specifies the platform on which the code is available (e.g. iOS, macOS, watchOS, tvOS). The version argument specifies the version of ... Read More 
Updated on 04-May-2023 10:38:29
To obscure a UITextField password in iOS, you can use the secureTextEntry property. This property allows you to hide the text entered into a text field by showing dots or asterisks instead of actual characters. In most iOS apps, we are required to obscure a UITextField to implement the password feature. This is easy to use the property. The isSecureTextEntry Property isSecureTextEntry is a property of the UITextField class in iOS that determines whether the text entered into the text field should be obscured, such as when entering a password. When isSecureTextEntry is set to true, the text entered into ... Read More 
Updated on 04-May-2023 10:46:34
In Swift, there are two ways to open a link. One approach is to use the UIApplication class to open a link in the Safari browser. Another approach is using the SafariServices framework in iOS. Let's see some examples of how to open a link based on these approaches. Approach 1: Using the UIApplication class Step 1 − Create a URL object for the link that you want to open. You can do this using the URL(string:) initializer. Step 2 − Create an instance of the UIApplication class. This class is responsible for managing the behavior of your app, ... Read More 
Updated on 02-Mar-2023 15:10:56
To assist us all throughout selecting the best operating system for your next mobile phone, this article explores the different essential components of Apple iOS 4.3 and Google Android 3.0 Honeycomb. Let us take a glance at user experience, app accessibility, safety, as well as other factors to give you some idea of which operating system is best for oneself. Read this article to find out more about Apple iOS 4.3 and Google Android 3.0 Honeycomb and how they are different from each other. What is Apple iOS 4.3? Apple iOS 4.3 is readily accessible on both mobile devices and ... Read More 
Updated on 13-Feb-2023 11:57:01
When comparing the differences between iOS 4.2.1 and iOS 4.3.2, we should remember that several updates were released between iOS 4.2.1 and iOS 4.3.2. To be more specific, the patches after 4.2.1 are as follows: 4.2.5, 4.2.6, 4.2.7, 4.2.8, 4.2.9, 4.2.10, 4.3, 4.3.1, and finally 4.3.2. You can't acquire iOS 4.3.2 without also installing the previous eight fixes. So the differences between iOS 4.3.2 and iOS 4.2.1 may not be due to the most recent patch alone but rather to the accumulation of updates. Support for CDMA networks is one of the changes missing from iOS 4.2.1. Initially, until iOS ... Read More 
Updated on 02-Jan-2023 14:29:11
This error is very frequent as you can see many times while writing code. Don't worry, you will understand this error in detail in this article. Before jumping to the cause of this error, let's understand what is optional in Swift. Optional Initially, when we receive a value from another source, such as the backend server, it might contain a valid value or nothing at all. In that case, you use optionals that represent a variable with two possible situations: either a value or no value at all. var possibleNumber = "450" var convertedNumber = Int(possibleNumber) In the above ... Read More 
Updated on 02-Jan-2023 14:30:46
In this article, you will learn about logging methods in the Swift language. You will also learn what the differences between them are. Debugging is the most common practice while writing code for an iOS application. It enables you to debug logic, code, errors, etc. Swift provides in-built libraries to print logs on the console. We have some options to print logs on the console like print(), println(), and NSLog(). Let's try to understand each of them. print() In Swift, print() is a function that prints a message to standard output (e.g., the console). It takes one or more arguments, ... Read More 
Updated on 02-Jan-2023 14:25:57
In this article, you will learn how you can download an image from a URL in the Swift language. In the iOS application, image downloading from the image URL is the most common task. Apple provides us with a native library to download any data from any URL. There are many third-party libraries available on GitHub to download the images. But in this tutorial, we are not going to use any third-party library. We will use the URLSession class provided by Apple itself. What is the URLSession Class? URLSession is a class in the Foundation framework that provides an API ... Read More 
Updated on 02-Jan-2023 13:40:14
Swift gives you some methods to perform on the collection type to get the index of a particular object. To find the index of an item in an array in Swift, you can use the firstIndex(of:) method of the Array type. This method returns the index of the first element in the array that is equal to the given element or nil if no such element is found. How to print the Index of List items? Let's look at an example. Algorithm Step 1 − Define an input array. Step 2 − Call the firstIndex() method on the input array. ... Read More 
Updated on 02-Jan-2023 12:57:00
The goal of this article is to explain how you can add constraints programmatically in the Swift language. To programmatically add constraints in Swift, you can use the NSLayoutConstraint class to define the constraints you want to add. Concepts That Will Be Used To Add Constraints Are The Following The translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints is a property of UIView in the UIKit framework. It is a boolean value that determines whether the view's autoresizingMask properties are translated into Auto Layout constraints. When translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints is set to NO, the autoresizingMask is ignored and the view is resized accrding to any constraints that have been ... Read More Advertisements