- Big Data Analytics Tutorial
- Big Data Analytics - Home
- Big Data Analytics - Overview
- Big Data Analytics - Data Life Cycle
- Big Data Analytics - Methodology
- Core Deliverables
- Key Stakeholders
- Big Data Analytics - Data Analyst
- Big Data Analytics - Data Scientist
- Big Data Analytics Project
- Data Analytics - Problem Definition
- Big Data Analytics - Data Collection
- Big Data Analytics - Cleansing data
- Big Data Analytics - Summarizing
- Big Data Analytics - Data Exploration
- Data Visualization
- Big Data Analytics Methods
- Big Data Analytics - Introduction to R
- Data Analytics - Introduction to SQL
- Big Data Analytics - Charts & Graphs
- Big Data Analytics - Data Tools
- Data Analytics - Statistical Methods
- Advanced Methods
- Machine Learning for Data Analysis
- Naive Bayes Classifier
- K-Means Clustering
- Association Rules
- Big Data Analytics - Decision Trees
- Logistic Regression
- Big Data Analytics - Time Series
- Big Data Analytics - Text Analytics
- Big Data Analytics - Online Learning
- Big Data Analytics Useful Resources
- Big Data Analytics - Quick Guide
- Big Data Analytics - Resources
- Big Data Analytics - Discussion
- Selected Reading
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes
- Developer's Best Practices
- Questions and Answers
- Effective Resume Writing
- HR Interview Questions
- Computer Glossary
- Who is Who
Big Data Analytics - Key Stakeholders
In large organizations, in order to successfully develop a big data project, it is needed to have management backing up the project. This normally involves finding a way to show the business advantages of the project. We don’t have a unique solution to the problem of finding sponsors for a project, but a few guidelines are given below −
Check who and where are the sponsors of other projects similar to the one that interests you.
Having personal contacts in key management positions helps, so any contact can be triggered if the project is promising.
Who would benefit from your project? Who would be your client once the project is on track?
Develop a simple, clear, and exiting proposal and share it with the key players in your organization.
The best way to find sponsors for a project is to understand the problem and what would be the resulting data product once it has been implemented. This understanding will give an edge in convincing the management of the importance of the big data project.