- Machine Learning Tutorial
- Machine Learning - Home
- Machine Learning - Introduction
- What Today’s AI Can Do?
- Machine Learning - Traditional AI
- What is Machine Learning?
- Machine Learning - Categories
- Machine Learning - Supervised
- Machine Learning - Scikit-learn Algorithm
- Machine Learning - Unsupervised
- Artificial Neural Networks
- Machine Learning - Deep Learning
- Machine Learning - Skills
- Machine Learning - Implementing
- Machine Learning - Conclusion
- Machine Learning Useful Resources
- Machine Learning - Quick Guide
- Machine Learning - Useful Resources
- Machine Learning - Discussion
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- Developer's Best Practices
- Questions and Answers
- Effective Resume Writing
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- Who is Who
Machine Learning - Implementing
To develop ML applications, you will have to decide on the platform, the IDE and the language for development. There are several choices available. Most of these would meet your requirements easily as all of them provide the implementation of AI algorithms discussed so far.
If you are developing the ML algorithm on your own, the following aspects need to be understood carefully −
The language of your choice − this essentially is your proficiency in one of the languages supported in ML development.
The IDE that you use − This would depend on your familiarity with the existing IDEs and your comfort level.
Development platform − There are several platforms available for development and deployment. Most of these are free-to-use. In some cases, you may have to incur a license fee beyond a certain amount of usage. Here is a brief list of choice of languages, IDEs and platforms for your ready reference.
Language Choice
Here is a list of languages that support ML development −
- Python
- R
- Matlab
- Octave
- Julia
- C++
- C
This list is not essentially comprehensive; however, it covers many popular languages used in machine learning development. Depending upon your comfort level, select a language for the development, develop your models and test.
Here is a list of IDEs which support ML development −
- R Studio
- Pycharm
- iPython/Jupyter Notebook
- Julia
- Spyder
- Anaconda
- Rodeo
- Google –Colab
The above list is not essentially comprehensive. Each one has its own merits and demerits. The reader is encouraged to try out these different IDEs before narrowing down to a single one.
Here is a list of platforms on which ML applications can be deployed −
- Microsoft Azure
- Google Cloud
- Amazon
- Mlflow
Once again this list is not exhaustive. The reader is encouraged to sign-up for the abovementioned services and try them out themselves.