- MongoDB Tutorial
- MongoDB - Home
- MongoDB - Overview
- MongoDB - Advantages
- MongoDB - Environment
- MongoDB - Data Modeling
- MongoDB - Create Database
- MongoDB - Drop Database
- MongoDB - Create Collection
- MongoDB - Drop Collection
- MongoDB - Data Types
- MongoDB - Insert Document
- MongoDB - Query Document
- MongoDB - Update Document
- MongoDB - Delete Document
- MongoDB - Projection
- MongoDB - Limiting Records
- MongoDB - Sorting Records
- MongoDB - Indexing
- MongoDB - Aggregation
- MongoDB - Replication
- MongoDB - Sharding
- MongoDB - Create Backup
- MongoDB - Deployment
- MongoDB - Java
- MongoDB - PHP
- Advanced MongoDB
- MongoDB - Relationships
- MongoDB - Database References
- MongoDB - Covered Queries
- MongoDB - Analyzing Queries
- MongoDB - Atomic Operations
- MongoDB - Advanced Indexing
- MongoDB - Indexing Limitations
- MongoDB - ObjectId
- MongoDB - Map Reduce
- MongoDB - Text Search
- MongoDB - Regular Expression
- Working with Rockmongo
- MongoDB - GridFS
- MongoDB - Capped Collections
- Auto-Increment Sequence
- MongoDB Useful Resources
- MongoDB - Questions and Answers
- MongoDB - Quick Guide
- MongoDB - Useful Resources
- MongoDB - Discussion
- Selected Reading
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes
- Developer's Best Practices
- Questions and Answers
- Effective Resume Writing
- HR Interview Questions
- Computer Glossary
- Who is Who
MongoDB - Drop Collection
In this chapter, we will see how to drop a collection using MongoDB.
The drop() Method
MongoDB's db.collection.drop() is used to drop a collection from the database.
Basic syntax of drop() command is as follows −
First, check the available collections into your database mydb.
>use mydb switched to db mydb >show collections mycol mycollection system.indexes tutorialspoint >
Now drop the collection with the name mycollection.
>db.mycollection.drop() true >
Again check the list of collections into database.
>show collections mycol system.indexes tutorialspoint >
drop() method will return true, if the selected collection is dropped successfully, otherwise it will return false.