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MS Project - Assign Resources to Task
Once the task and resource list are complete, resources need to be assigned to tasks in order to work on them. With MS Project you can track task progress, resource and tasks costs.
Assign Material Resource to Task
Method 1
Click View Tab → Gantt Chart View → Resource Name column. Click the box below the Resource Name column for the task you need the resource to be assigned. From the dropdown, choose the resource name. In the following screenshot as an example. For Task 1 “PT1”, we have chosen the resource “Celic”.
You can also select multiple resources to work on a single task.

Method 2
Click Resource tab → Under Assignments group → Assign Resources. In the Assign Resources dialog box, click the resource name you like to assign.
Here let’s choose “Hitesh”. Now click the Assign button.
You can also select multiple resources to work on a single task.

Method 3
Click View Tab → Gantt Chart → Task Name column. Double-click the Task Name. Task Information dialog box opens. Click the Resources tab. Click the cell below the Resource Name column. Select the resource from the dropdown list.
You can also select multiple resources to work on a single task.

Method 4
Click View Tab → Split View group → Details → Task Form.
The window is split in two, Gantt Chart view and Task Form view below it.
In the Task Form view, click under the Resource Name column and select the resource.
You can also select multiple resources to work on a single task.

Assign Cost Resource to Tasks
Click View Tab → Gantt Chart View → Task Name column. Double-click the Task Name. Task Information dialog box opens. Click the Resources tab. Click the cell below the Resource Name column. Select the resource from the dropdown list.
In the following example below, let’s choose “Travel” as cost resource and enter the cost at $800.
We can also assign other material resources to the same task.
