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Found 802 Articles for Network

Updated on 10-Jul-2023 19:48:49
AT&T offers two types of internet services: DSL (digital subscriber line) and U-Verse. DSL is an older technology that uses existing telephone lines to provide internet connectivity, whereas U-Verse is a newer technology that delivers internet, TV, and phone services through fibre optic cables. Read this article to find out more about DSL and U-Verse and how they are different from each other. What is DSL? DSL is an abbreviation for Digital Subscriber Line, a technology that delivers high-speed internet access over existing telephone lines. DSL technology divides the available frequencies on a telephone line into separate channels, one for ... Read More 
Updated on 10-Jul-2023 19:19:29
The terms ACL (Access Control List) and IDEA (International Data Encryption Algorithm) are frequently used in computer networking and cryptography. ACL is a technique for controlling resource access, whereas IDEA is an encryption algorithm for data security. Read this article to find out more about ACL and IDEA and how they are different from each other. What is ACL? ACL is a security mechanism that controls network resource access. It is a collection of permissions attached to an object, such as a file or a network share, that determines which people or groups can access the object and to what extent. ... Read More 
Updated on 07-Jul-2023 16:21:39
In digital communication, Delta Modulation and Differential Pulse Code Modulation are the techniques with fixed step size and it has updated ones with varying step size as Adaptive DM and DPCM. The Correlation between the current sample and a predicted value is quantized for both approaches to function. The main distinction between the two is that while DPCM sends multiple bits per sample, DM only sends one bit per sample. DM is a less complex approach than DPCM, but it also has a worse signal−to−noise ratio. What is Delta Modulation (DM)? It follows a linear type and the circuits of ... Read More 
Updated on 07-Jul-2023 16:09:01
Open System Interconnection (OSI) model consists of seven major layers. The layer−2 of the OSI stack and the switches working in this layer is layer−2 switch. Similarly, the third layer of this model is called the network layer and the switches working in this layer is layer−3 switch. Initially, Local Area Network uses hubs as a central devices connected to other devices. Later bridges were introduced but had less number of ports and then only switches were developed which includes more ports. What is a Layer−2 switch? The Layer−2 switches are the physical component of the network, in these, the ... Read More 
Updated on 07-Jul-2023 16:05:05
In this article, we will understand the concept of Kerberos and Radius and the difference between them. The three main components of Kerberos are the computer that contains the database, the ticket−granting server, and the authentication server. RADIUS does not store data in a specific format but rather talks with a central database. Kerberos is used to verify the identity of users and services before allowing them to access sensitive information. The verification methods used by the application layer protocols of Kerberos are ticket−based encryption methods. What is Kerberos? Kerberos comes under the application layer which is the topmost layer ... Read More 
Updated on 07-Jul-2023 15:55:20
In Data Communication, the data are transferred from the client to the receiver. During this transmission, there may be a chance of an error occurring due to network problems, interference and using any other ways. So, the error needs to be detected and corrected. For both error detection and correction, we can use various methods like linear code and Convolution code. Linear codes are efficient one for error correction of the transmission bits between the hosts, while convolution code encodes in a timely fashion. What is Linear Code? Block code is the one that encodes data within the block and ... Read More 
Updated on 07-Jul-2023 15:20:49
A network contains several groups of devices that communicate with one another through links. Devices are represented as hosts that are connected through switches, routers, hubs, modems, and access points with transmission mediums for communication purposes. Communication protocol specifies set of rules for exchanging data over a suitable network. Each protocol differs in its communication properties and can be connection−oriented or connection−less with a circuit or packet−switching techniques. Most of the common protocols used in networking are IEEE 802, Ethernet, Wireless LAN, SDH, ATM, Routing, etc. Here Ethernet and Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) are types of communication protocols used in ... Read More 
Updated on 07-Jul-2023 12:28:11
IoT requires a network that can transmit data over a long range with low power and at a low bit rate but cellular networks like 3G, 4G, and 5G were not optimized for this. So the cellular body 3gpp which is third generation partnership project came up with the NB standard in release 13 in 2006 with releases 14 and 15 they upgraded the standard NB−Iot and with release 16 in 2020. LoRaWAN technologies are the ones that give voice to non−living things. What is LoRaWAN? LoRaWAN stands for Low Range Wide Area Network. It is a communication protocol ... Read More 
Updated on 17-May-2023 17:22:19
Code signing is the process of digitally signing software or code to authenticate its origin and verify that it has not been tampered with or altered in any way. This involves adding a digital signature to the code or software that can be verified by a trusted third-party, such as a certificate authority. In this article, we will discuss more about the communication models. Let’s start! How Code Signing Works? The process of code signing involves several steps. First, the developer creates the software or code and then uses a code signing tool to add a digital signature to it. ... Read More 
Updated on 17-May-2023 17:20:57
Do you know that most IoT products out there are simply not secure? Surprisingly, they are the main offenders responsible for the recent rise in cybercrime. A staggering 2.9 billion cyber incidents occurred in the first half of 2019 alone according to one report. And guess what the researchers identified as the leading cause? The proliferation of the Internet of Things (IoT) along with Windows SMB! But don't worry; we have the ideal answer to these issues. The future of secure IoT lies in chip-to-cloud technology, offering unparalleled decentralized protection to all your smart devices. Are you ready to join ... Read More Advertisements