- Node.js Tutorial
- Node.js - Home
- Node.js - Introduction
- Node.js - Environment Setup
- Node.js - First Application
- Node.js - REPL Terminal
- Node.js - Package Manager (NPM)
- Node.js - Callbacks Concept
- Node.js - Event Loop
- Node.js - Event Emitter
- Node.js - Buffers
- Node.js - Streams
- Node.js - File System
- Node.js - Global Objects
- Node.js - Utility Modules
- Node.js - Web Module
- Node.js - Express Framework
- Node.js - RESTFul API
- Node.js - Scaling Application
- Node.js - Packaging
- Node.js - Built-in Modules
- Node.js Useful Resources
- Node.js - Quick Guide
- Node.js - Useful Resources
- Node.js - Dicussion
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Node.js Online Quiz
Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Node.js Framework. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Q 1 - What is Node.JS?
B - Node.js is a JavaScript based framework/platform built on Google Chrome's JavaScript V8 Engine.
Answer : B
Node.js is a JavaScript based framework/platform built on Google Chrome's JavaScript V8 Engine.
Q 2 -What npm stands for?
Answer : A
npm stands for Node Package Manager.
Q 3 - Which of the following is true about writable stream?
A - writable stream is used for write operation.
B - Output of readable stream can be input to a writable stream.
Answer : C
Writable stream is used for write operation and it can take output of readable stream as input.
Q 4 - Which method of fs module is used to get information about file?
A - fs.open(path, flags[, mode], callback)
Answer : B
fs.stat(path, callback) is the method which is used to get information about a file.
Q 5 - Which of the following is true about global objects in Node applications?
A - Global objects are global in nature and they are available in all modules.
Answer : C
Node.js global objects are global in nature and they are available in all modules. We do not need to include these objects in our application, rather we can use them directly.
Answer : A
Node.js console is a global object and is used to print different levels of messages to stdout and stderr.
Q 7 - Which of the following API creates a server?
A - net.createServer([options][, connectionListener])
B - net.connect(options[, connectionListener])
Answer : A
net.createServer([options][, connectionListener]) creates a new TCP server. The connectionListener argument is automatically set as a listener for the 'connection' event.
Q 8 - Which of the following is true about internal binding with respect to domain module?
A - Error emmitter is executing its code within run method of a domain.
B - Error emmitter is added explicitly to a domain using its add method.
Answer : A
Error emmitter is executing its code within run method of a domain in case of internal binding.
Q 9 - What is Express?
Answer : B
Express is a minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework that provides a robust set of features to develop web and mobile applications.
Q 10 - A stream fires error event when there is any error receiving or writing data.
Answer : B
A stream fires error event when there is any error receiving or writing data.