- Quality Center Tutorial
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- QC - Introduction
- QC - Environment Setup
- QC - Server Side Configurations
- QC - Common Functionalities
- QC - Management
- QC - Requirements
- QC - Test Plan
- QC - Test Lab
- QTP - QC Integration
- QC - Defects
- QC - Dashboard Analysis
- QC - Project Customization
- QC Useful Resources
- QC - Questions and Answers
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- QC - Useful Resources
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QC Interview Questions
Dear readers, these QC Interview Questions have been designed specially to get you acquainted with the nature of questions you may encounter during your interview for the subject of QC. As per my experience good interviewers hardly plan to ask any particular question during your interview, normally questions start with some basic concept of the subject and later they continue based on further discussion and what you answer −
ALM was formerly known as Quality center, a popular test management tool which is developed using J2EE with backend as MSSQL or ORACLE. It is a web-based tool and supports communication and association among various stakeholders. It also integrates with QTP , WinRunner & LoadRunner. We can also create reports and graphs for Analysis and Tracking for Test processes.
The Quality Center modules are − Management Module, Requirement Module, Test Plan, Test Resources, Test lab, Defect Module, Dashboard
The benefits of Requirement traceability track from links indicates requirements that affect a selected requirement. Trace to links indicates requirements that are affected by a selected requirement.
Yes there are two ways to generate test from requirements. Convert Requirement to test and Generate a test from requirements.
Version control is change management tool which helps us to keep track of changes made to entities in our project including requirements.
Yes we can create UFT test from ALM but we must first make sure UFT has the ability to execute tests from ALM.
Test management tool enables testers to create, execute and log defects while defect management tool helps us to create and track defects only.
If a requirement depend on other requirement then treating Child requirements to the main requirement you can evaluate the sub requirements related to the main requirements.
Test Lab is the module where we execute the Test Cases that we developed using the test plan Module. Both Manual and Automation executions happens in the Test Lab.
A Test Case is imported from Test Plan module to Test Lab module for execution under a test set known as test instance. Sometime it is okay to have multiple instances of the same Test Case in the Test Lab Module.
Test data can be stored in a seperate file(say excel sheets) and uploaded along with the test cases or it can be maintained under parameters tab of a test case.
In the defect tracking window of ALM, there is a “find similar defect” icon. When this button is clicked after writing the defect, if anybody else has logged a similar defect then the system points it out.
The Defect ID is automatically generated after clicking Submit button.
The Execution status of a test case can be − Pass, Fail, Blocked, No Run.
Yes. Using the MS Excel/Word Plugin.
Yes. Select the tests that needs to be exported and perform Right Click and select "Save selected" or "Save All" and enter the file name to be exported to excel.
Yes. ALM supports Business Process Testing (BPT) in which Subject Matter Experts can create tests in a without involving in the Nitty-gritty of test case/script designing.
Once a test is executed the status of the tests are automatically saved when the user clicks on "END RUN" button in the Test Lab
HP ALM supports MS SQL and ORACLE
HP UFT can be used in conjuction with HP ALM using the add-in HP ALM − UFT addin
Testers can switch between ALM projects by navigating to Tools >> Change Projects >> Select Project.
You can store requirements in ALM to ensure 100% coverage, for change management and also for tracking purposes.
Coverage status is percentage of testing covered at a given time and also to keep track of project deadline.
It consists of HP ALM Client(IE Browser), ALM Server, Database server.
ALM Editions are HP ALM essentials, HP QC enterprise edition, HP ALM performance center edition.
HP ALM Workflow includes Release Specification >> Requirement Specification >> Test Planning >> Test Execution >> Defect Tracking.
Each product is deployed as many releases and a lot of cycles are associated with each release. Each release has a pre-defined scope and milestone associated with it.
Defect Management Cycle can be customized using Project customization menu under Tools menu. Only Project Admins can customize and also we can make use of Script editor for the same.
HP ALM modules are Requirement, Test Plan, Test Lab, Defect.
Dashboard consists of Analysis View, Dashboard View using which graphs are generated and analysed.
Sprinter is manual testing utility that is integrated with HP ALM more effectively. It helps us to record and fast farward manual testing. It also allows testers to log defects from Sprinter UI.
It is a feature in HP Sprinter using which we can enter data into the application. We can insert multi-set of data directly into the application with respective matching fields all at once.
We can add either a parent requirement or a child requirement against a test case in ALM
The predefined groups are Developer, Project Manager, QA Tester, TD Admin, Viewer.
The Graphs, Reports, Live Analysis Graphs are available in HP ALM.
Follow up entities can be created on Test Plan, Test Execution Grid, Defects grid.
Defects can be linked to Tests, Test Steps, Run and Run Steps, Requirements.
Manual or Automated Tests can be executed at a specified date and time.
The results are always stored in Test Runs Tab of Test Lab Module.
a copy of test case that contains various test steps.
Purge Run is a process used to delete old test run result in project. We can delete the test runs that are old or even a particular test step.
Requirement Module Reports, Test Plan Module Reports, Test Lab Module Reports, Defects Module Reports.
When we delete a folder, we can choose to delete the folder only, or the folder, its subfolders, and test. If we choose to delete the folder only, all the tests are moved to unattached folder in the test plan tree..
No, Not Covered status meant for requirements for those tests are neither created nor mapped while Not Run status means for requirements that are yet to be executed
A library represents a collection of entities in a ALM including their relationship to each other A library also allows one to collect the same entities as in versioning.
HP UFT/QTP Tests, Manual Tests, HP Load Runner/Win Runner Scripts.
Creating Projects, Domains, Creating and managing Users, Track user limits etc.
Number, Date, String, List, User List, Look up list.
Filter is used to view the data based on user criteria and Filters are available for Graphs, Reports and Grids.
Yes. We can schedule test by navigating to Goto >> Execution flow tab and selecting 'Test Run Schedule'.
What is Next?
Further you can go through your past assignments you have done with the subject and make sure you are able to speak confidently on them. If you are fresher then interviewer does not expect you will answer very complex questions, rather you have to make your basics concepts very strong.
Second it really doesn't matter much if you could not answer few questions but it matters that whatever you answered, you must have answered with confidence. So just feel confident during your interview. We at tutorialspoint wish you best luck to have a good interviewer and all the very best for your future endeavor. Cheers :−)