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Found 117 Articles for RDBMS

Updated on 10-Jul-2023 18:34:12
Introduction PostgreSQL is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) known for its robustness, stability, and ability to handle complex and large data sets. On the other hand, Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration system that automates the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. Combining these two powerful technologies provides a highly scalable and reliable environment for hosting your PostgreSQL database. In this article, we will explore how to deploy PostgreSQL on Kubernetes. We will start by explaining what PostgreSQL and Kubernetes are and the benefits of deploying PostgreSQL on Kubernetes. Then we will go through an overview of ... Read More 
Updated on 18-May-2023 16:30:14
Hive was developed by Facebook. It is used for analytics and MapReduce jobs. It can read, write, and manage large datasets. Hive can replace traditional database operations. Hive uses indexing to make queries more efficient, and it can work with compressed data stored in the Hadoop ecosystem. In this article, we will discuss Dynamic Partitioning and operations on Dynamic Partition in Hive. Apache Hive Apache Hive is a warehousing system. It is used to perform operations on structured data. It is widely used for analytics and MapReduce jobs. Apache Hive provides functionality for reading, writing, and managing large datasets. One ... Read More 
Updated on 18-May-2023 16:31:39
Data Warehouse A data warehouse is like a big library where we keep a lot of information from different places. It analyzes and understands the information easily. So you can make good decisions based on these facts. You have all the required information that you need in one place. We organize the information so it's easy to find and use. It takes information from different places and put it all together in one place, hence it is easier to understand. Characteristics of Data Warehouse Data Warehouse has the following characteristics. Subject-oriented A data warehouse focuses on a specific topic ... Read More 
Updated on 18-May-2023 16:33:36
Data mining technology is a powerful tool used to extract valuable insights and patterns from large datasets. In this article, we will discuss Data mining and techniques, process, applications etc. Data mining uses statistical and computational techniques. It is used in various fields to gain insights into complex data sets. That would otherwise be impossible to analyze manually. Knowledge Discovery From Data Process of Knowledge Discovery From Data consists of following steps − Data Cleaning It is the first step. This step involves removing noise or irrelevant data from the dataset. Data Integration In this step, multiple data sources are ... Read More 
Updated on 18-May-2023 17:20:32
In a distributed DBMS environment, several challenges arise in concurrency control and recovery, which are not present in a centralized DBMS environment. This article will discuss these challenges and their potential solutions. Multiple Copies of Data Items Dealing with multiple copies of data items is a significant challenge in distributed DBMS environments. Consistency among these copies is crucial for proper concurrency control, and recovery methods are responsible for making a copy consistent with others if the site storing the copy fails. Failure of Individual Sites In the event of site failure, distributed DBMS should continue to operate with its running ... Read More 
Updated on 18-May-2023 17:22:55
Apache Spark helps people study big information and teach machines how to learn. Some smart people at a university called UC Berkeley made it in 2009. Companies like yahoo! and Intel help make it better. Apache Spark is a big project that lots of people work on to help process data really fast and keep it in the computer's memory. In this article, we will discuss Apache Spark and its history, components and various features. History of Apache Spark Spark is a distributed computing framework. It was first developed in 2009 at UC Berkeley R&D Lab, formerly known as AMPLab. ... Read More 
Updated on 18-May-2023 17:23:56
Hash Indexes In DBMS, it is possible to create access structures that function similar to indexes by using hashing. This secondary structure is known as a hash index and is used to access the file based on a search key that is different from the one used for the primary data file organization. Index entries in a hash index are of the form or , where K is the search key, Pr is a pointer to the record containing the key, or P is a pointer to the block containing the record for that key. The hash index file ... Read More 
Updated on 18-May-2023 17:26:11
In this article, we will discuss some other issues related to concurrency control. These are problems related to the insertion and deletion of records. These are known as phantom problems that can occur when records are joined. We will also discuss problems that can occur when a transaction outputs some data before monitoring, and then the transaction is later aborted. Insertion, Deletion, and Phantom Records In DBMS, when a new data item is inserted, it is not immediately accessible until the insert operation is completed. To maintain data consistency and integrity, in a locking environment, an exclusive (write) lock for ... Read More 
Updated on 18-May-2023 17:28:12
Order by is a clause in SQL. It is used to sort the result set of a query in either ascending or descending order. It can sort using one or more columns. In this article, we will discuss the Order by clause in MS SQL Server. Syntax The syntax for using the Order by clause in MS SQL Server is as follows − SELECT column1, column2, ... FROM table_name ORDER BY column1 [ASC|DESC], column2 [ASC|DESC], ...; Explanation of Syntax SELECT column1, column2, ... : Specifies the columns that we want to retrieve from the table. FROM table_name: Specifies ... Read More 
Updated on 18-May-2023 17:32:20
According to many technical and research organizations, nowadays, cloud computing systems are dealing with a lot of data across multiple cloud organizations. It is hard for these organizations to deploy, ship, and maintain various versions of containers that perform specific tasks. It is difficult for managing large amounts of data across multiple systems. It can cause problems with management, coherence, and security. To solve these problems, organizations have come up with a new approach called Cloud Orchestration. This helps to manage and organize the cloud-based structure. Orchestration in Cloud Computing Orchestration automats and coordinates the deployment and configuration It manages ... Read More Advertisements