- SAP BODS Tutorial
- SAP BODS - Home
- SAP BO Data Services
- SAP BODS - Overview
- SAP BODS - Architecture
- SAP BODS - Data Services Designer
- SAP BODS Repository
- SAP BODS - Repository Overview
- Repository Creating & Updating
- Data Services Management Console
- SAP BODS - DSMC Modules
- SAP BODS - DS Designer Introduction
- SAP BODS - ETL Flow in DS Designer
- SAP BODS Datastores & Formats
- SAP BODS - Datastore Overview
- SAP BODS - Changing a Datastore
- SAP BODS - Memory Datastore
- SAP BODS - Linked Datastore
- SAP BODS - Adapter Datastore
- SAP BODS - File Formats
- COBOL Copybook File Format
- Extracting Data from DB Tables
- Data Extraction from Excel Workbook
- Data Flow & Work Flow
- SAP BODS - Dataflow Introduction
- BODS - Dataflow Changing Properties
- SAP BODS - Workflow Introduction
- SAP BODS - Creating Workflows
- SAP BODS Transforms
- SAP BODS - Transforms Types
- Adding Transform to a Dataflow
- SAP BODS - Query Transform
- SAP BODS Administration
- SAP BODS - Data Services Overview
- Creating Embedded Dataflow
- Debugging & Recovery Mechanism
- Data Assessment & Data Profiling
- SAP BODS - Tuning Techniques
- Multi-user Development
- BODS - Central vs Local Repository
- BODS - Central Repository Security
- Creating a Multi-user Environment
- SAP BODS Useful Resources
- SAP BODS - Questions Answers
- SAP BODS - Quick Guide
- SAP BODS - Useful Resources
- SAP BODS - Discussion
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SAP BODS Online Quiz
Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to SAP BODS. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Q 1 - When we create an ETL job in Data service designer, what is the correct hierarchy for the below objects?
A - Project, Data Flow, Work flow, Replication job
B - Project, Work flow, Data Flow, Replication job
Answer : D
Q 2 - Which of the following is used to contain object definition in Data services?
Answer : C
An object library is used to contain object definition and when an object is dragged and dropped from library, a new reference to an existing object is created.
Q 3 - When a variable is used multiple times within a job, it is always suggested to use local variable?
Answer : B
When the variable will need to be used multiple times within a job, global variable is used.
Q 4 - Which of the following is used to check access server status and real time services at web application layer?
Answer : C
Q 5 - Which of the following is not an available mode in file format editor?
Answer : E
Q 6 - Which of the following transformation can be used for Column mapping from input to output schemas, assigning primary keys, etc.
Answer : C
Query transformation is most common transformation used in Data Services and you can perform the following functions −
Data filtering from sources
Joining data from multiple sources
Perform functions and transformations on data
Column mapping from input to output schemas
Assigning Primary keys
Add new columns, schemas and functions resulted to output schemas
As Query transformation is the most commonly used transformation, a shortcut is provided for this query in the tool palette.
Q 7 - Data Quality Transformations cannot be directly connected to the upstream transform, which contains nested tables. To connect these transform you should add a query transform or XML pipeline transform between transformation from nested table and data quality transform?
Answer : A
Q 8 - Which of the following parameter allows you to maintain the history of all the changes made to an object. You can check all the previous versions and revert to the older versions?
Answer : C
Q 9 - Which of the following tool is used for scheduling and to view error logs for replication job?
Answer : B
Q 10 - Which of the following option allows you to perform optimization in Data Services?