- SAP QM Tutorial
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- SAP QM - Overview
- SAP QM - Components
- SAP QM - Integration
- SAP QM - Master Data
- SAP QM - Inspection Methods
- SAP QM - Sampling
- SAP QM - Inspection Plan
- SAP QM - Quality Info Records
- SAP QM - Lot Inspection
- SAP QM - Result Recording
- SAP QM - Usage Decision
- SAP QM - Listing Inspection Lot
- SAP QM - In-Process Inspection
- SAP QM - Final Inspection
- SAP QM - Defects Recording
- SAP QM - Quality Notification
- SAP QM - Benefits
- SAP QM - Tables
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SAP QM Online Quiz
Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to SAP QM. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Q 1 - In which of the following QM component, someone from the quality department inspects an item as per defined points in inspection plan?
Answer : B
Under Quality assurance, it includes the quality inspection.
A Quality inspection involves someone from the quality department inspects an item as per defined points in inspection plan. You perform the inspection based on one or more inspection lots, where a lot is a request to inspect a specific item.
Q 2 - Which of the following is not a control parameter that can be set on the material master for Quality Management?
Answer : A
Q 3 - Which of the following in QM is used to determine the size of inspection lot to be used in inspection plan under Quality planning?
Answer : C
Sampling procedure in QM is used to determine the size of inspection lot to be used in inspection plan under Quality planning. You can define a sampling procedure as fixed sample, percentage or other sample. A sampling scheme contains collection of sampling plans.
Q 4 - In SAP QM process, QMP stands for?
B - Quality Management Principle
Answer : D
QMP stands for Quality Management Plan
Q 5 - What do you understand by AQL?
Answer : A
AQL (Acceptable Quality Level) is the quality level that represents the upper limit of a satisfactory average quality level for an acceptance sampling inspection.
Q 6 - While creating an Inspection plan, which of the following is not an input field?
Answer : D
Q 7 - Quality notification can be used to analyze the defects identified and perform root cause analysis. You can process defects related to?
A - Complaints filed by customers
Answer : D
Complaints filed by customers −
This includes the defects identified in goods that are delivered to customers. You can use standard SAP Quality notification Q1 to record customer complaint and take action against problem reported by customer.
Complaints identified in vendor delivered goods −
This includes the defect identified with quality of goods delivered from supplier/vendor. You use standard SAP QM notification type Q2 to record a complaint against vendor and take action for the incoming material.
Internal Defects −
This includes recording internal problems which are identified at the time of in process quality inspection. You use standard SAP QM notification type Q3 to deal with problems identified in goods manufactured in a company.
Q 8 - For costing and to decide how many goods are accepted, SAP QM is directly linked to?
Answer : C
SAP QM is directed linked to controlling for costing and to decide how many goods are accepted. You update the vendor quality record in the system and this helps to find out if same vendor should continue to supply the material or there is a need to find a new source.
Q 9 - Which of the following control chart can be used for specifying tolerance and control the share of scrap?
Answer : C
Q 10 - Which of the following can be used to adjust the probability of acceptance and the inspection effort, based on different quality situations?
Answer : A
In SAP Quality Management process, you can vary inspection severity that allows to adjust the probability of acceptance and the inspection effort, based on different quality situations. The inspection severity is closely connected to the inspection scope. If all other conditions remain the same, different inspection severities lead to different inspection scopes or acceptance conditions.