- SAS Tutorial
- SAS - Home
- SAS - Overview
- SAS - Environment
- SAS - User Interface
- SAS - Program Structure
- SAS - Basic Syntax
- SAS - Data Sets
- SAS - Variables
- SAS - Strings
- SAS - Arrays
- SAS - Numeric Formats
- SAS - Operators
- SAS - Loops
- SAS - Decision Making
- SAS - Functions
- SAS - Input Methods
- SAS - Macros
- SAS - Dates & Times
- SAS Data Set Operations
- SAS - Read Raw Data
- SAS - Write Data Sets
- SAS - Concatenate Data Sets
- SAS - Merging Data Sets
- SAS - Subsetting Data Sets
- SAS - Sort Data Sets
- SAS - Format Data Sets
- SAS - Output Delivery System
- SAS - Simulations
- SAS Data Representation
- SAS - Histograms
- SAS - Bar Charts
- SAS - Pie Charts
- SAS - Scatterplots
- SAS - Boxplots
- SAS Basic Statistical Procedure
- SAS - Arithmetic Mean
- SAS - Standard Deviation
- SAS - Frequency Distributions
- SAS - Cross Tabulations
- SAS - T Tests
- SAS - Correlation Analysis
- SAS - Linear Regression
- SAS - Bland-Altman Analysis
- SAS - Chi-Square
- SAS - Fishers Exact Tests
- SAS - Repeated Measure Analysis
- SAS - One-Way Anova
- SAS - Hypothesis Testing
- SAS Useful Resources
- SAS - Quick Guide
- SAS - Useful Resources
- SAS - Questions and Answers
- SAS - Discussion
- Selected Reading
- UPSC IAS Exams Notes
- Developer's Best Practices
- Questions and Answers
- Effective Resume Writing
- HR Interview Questions
- Computer Glossary
- Who is Who
SAS - Operators
An operator in SAS is a symbol which is used in a mathematical, logical or comparison expression. These symbols are in-built into the SAS language and many operators can be combined in a single expression to give a final output.
Below is a list of SAS category of operators.
- Arithmetic Operators
- Logical Operators
- Comparison Operators
- Minimum/Maximum Operators
- Concatenation Operator
We will look at each of the one by one. The operators are always used with variables that are part of the data that is being analyzed by the SAS program.
Arithmetic Operators
The below table describes the details of the arithmetic operators. Let’s assume two data variables V1 and V2with values 8 and 4 respectively.
Operator | Description | Example |
+ | Addition | V1+V2=12 |
- | Subtraction | V1-V2=4 |
* | Multiplication | V1*V2=32 |
/ | Division | V1/V2=2 |
** | Exponentiation | V1**V2=4096 |
DATA MYDATA1; input @1 COL1 4.2 @7 COL2 3.1; Add_result = COL1+COL2; Sub_result = COL1-COL2; Mult_result = COL1*COL2; Div_result = COL1/COL2; Expo_result = COL1**COL2; datalines; 11.21 5.3 3.11 11 ; PROC PRINT DATA = MYDATA1; RUN;
On running the above code, we get the following output.
Logical Operators
The below table describes the details of the logical operators. These operators evaluate the Truth value of an expression. So the result of logical operators is always a 1 or a 0. Let’s assume two data variables V1 and V2with values 8 and 4 respectively.
Operator | Description | Example |
& | The AND Operator. If both data values evaluate to true then the result is 1 else it is 0. | (V1>2 & V2 > 3) gives 0. |
| | The OR Operator. If any one of the data values evaluate to true then the result is 1 else it is 0. | (V1>9 & V2 > 3) is 1. |
~ | The NOT Operator. The result of NOT operator in form of an expression whose value is FALSE or a missing value is 1 else it is 0. | NOT(V1 > 3) is 1. |
DATA MYDATA1; input @1 COL1 5.2 @7 COL2 4.1; and_=(COL1 > 10 & COL2 > 5 ); or_ = (COL1 > 12 | COL2 > 15 ); not_ = ~( COL2 > 7 ); datalines; 11.21 5.3 3.11 11.4 ; PROC PRINT DATA = MYDATA1; RUN;
On running the above code, we get the following output.
Comparison Operators
The below table describes the details of the comparison operators. These operators compare the values of the variables and the result is a truth value presented by 1 for TRUE and 0 for False. Let’s assume two data variables V1 and V2with values 8 and 4 respectively.
Operator | Description | Example |
= | The EQUAL Operator. If both data values are equal then the result is 1 else it is 0. | (V1 = 8) gives 1. |
^= | The NOT EQUAL Operator. If both data values are unequal then the result is 1 else it is 0. | (V1 ^= V2) gives 1. |
< | The LESS THAN Operator. | (V2 < V2) gives 1. |
<= | The LESS THAN or EQUAL TO Operator. | (V2 <= 4) gives 1. |
> | The GREATER THAN Operator. | (V2 > V1) gives 1. |
>= | The GREATER THAN or EQUAL TO Operator. | (V2 >= V1) gives 0. |
IN | The IN Operator. If the value of the variable is equal to any one of the values in a given list of values, then it returns 1 else it returns 0. | V1 in (5,7,9,8) gives 1. |
DATA MYDATA1; input @1 COL1 5.2 @7 COL2 4.1; EQ_ = (COL1 = 11.21); NEQ_= (COL1 ^= 11.21); GT_ = (COL2 => 8); LT_ = (COL2 <= 12); IN_ = COL2 in( 6.2,5.3,12 ); datalines; 11.21 5.3 3.11 11.4 ; PROC PRINT DATA = MYDATA1; RUN;
On running the above code, we get the following output.
Minimum/Maximum Operators
The below table describes the details of the Minimum/Maximum operators. These operators compare the values of the variables across a row and the minimum or maximum value from the list of values in the rows is returned.
Operator | Description | Example |
MIN | The MIN Operator. It returns the minimum value form the list of values in the row. | MIN(45.2,11.6,15.41) gives 11.6 |
MAX | The MAX Operator. It returns the maximum value form the list of values in the row. | MAX(45.2,11.6,15.41) gives 45.2 |
DATA MYDATA1; input @1 COL1 5.2 @7 COL2 4.1 @12 COL3 6.3; min_ = MIN(COL1 , COL2 , COL3); max_ = MAX( COL1, COl2 , COL3); datalines; 11.21 5.3 29.012 3.11 11.4 18.512 ; PROC PRINT DATA = MYDATA1; RUN;
On running the above code, we get the following output.
Concatenation Operator
The below table describes the details of the Concatenation operator. This operator concatenates two or more string values. A single character value is returned.
Operator | Description | Example |
|| | The concatenate Operator. It returns the concatenation of two or more values. | 'Hello'||' World' gives Hello World |
DATA MYDATA1; input COL1 $ COL2 $ COL3 $; concat_ = (COL1 || COL2 || COL3); datalines; Tutorial s point simple easy learning ; PROC PRINT DATA = MYDATA1; RUN;
On running the above code, we get the following output.
Operators Precedence
The operator precedence indicates the order of evaluation of the multiple operators present in complex expression. The below table describes the order of precedence with in a group of operators.
Group | Order | Symbols |
Group I | Right to Left | ** + - NOT MIN MAX |
Group II | Left to Right | * / |
Group III | Left to Right | + - |
Group IV | Left to Right | || |
Group V | Left to Right | < <= = >= > |